WOD: Fri 06.05.2015 “Turbulence”

  • Megan, Morgan, Jim and Zev cheering for Sam


    Our good friend, Dr. Sean Rockett will be lecturing here at Daybreak about safety and ways to prevent injuries. Dr. Rockett is a senior surgeon at Orthopedics New England operating out of New England Baptist, Newton Wellesley and Metrowest Hospitals. He is a certified Crossfit Level 1 Trainer and has been Crossfitting since 2008. Dr. Rockett has cared for many elite athletes and is the Orthopedic doctor on the Medical Team for the Crossfit Games. His lecture is designed to keep you healthy so you can continue to WOD safely for years to come. He will discuss anatomy, mechanisms of injury and associated symptoms. FitVine Wine will keep us hydrated for the hour. If you signed up and cannot make it, please let us know. Cost is free to all members. Daybreak will be donating to charity in lieu of charging a fee to our members.
    This is the final week to sign up for the Internal Team Throwdown. Sign up at desk by TODAY
  • INTERNAL TEAM THROWDOWN: Saturday, June 13th
    Everything you need to know is posted HERE. New event sponsorship details will be released this week! We have swag on swag on swag… you won’t want to miss it.



Teams of 3 Complete:
10,000 Meter Row

*Athletes must switch every 250 meters and do 5 burpees

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  1. Bill Fri 06.05.2015 at 6:58am

    Great 5:30 AM class today.

    “Turbulence” – Tara, Brett & Bill – 39:43 Rx

    • Sara C Fri 06.05.2015 at 1:31pm

      Sub 40…awesome. What a cool morning. That’ll wake you up! Or, in my case, make you almost pass out when you sit down afterwards for a few and then stand up too quickly.

    • Bill Fri 06.05.2015 at 1:51pm

      Round 2 @ 12:30 with Sharon & Andrew – 39:23 in the sun!

      • erica Fri 06.05.2015 at 9:04pm

        Let me get this straight, you voluntarily did this wod TWICE?!! I’m actually speechless.

  2. Mel Fri 06.05.2015 at 11:50am

    Me, Nissa and Morgan 43:15. FUN!

    • nfitz Fri 06.05.2015 at 1:07pm

      Loads of fun 😉

  3. Sara C Fri 06.05.2015 at 1:30pm

    Russ, Sarah Clarke and Me: 41:50
    What a way to start the day! Happy Friday/weekend everyone.

  4. JayCash Fri 06.05.2015 at 4:11pm

    Rap, Cash and Tracy…37:58. Holy Crap!!! That was gross and awesome. But mostly gross.

  5. britt Fri 06.05.2015 at 6:49pm

    Britt, jim b, Karen and Eliza: 13,000 in 56:20. More rest with a foursome but was still 56 min of me trying to catch my breath. Love the team wods!

  6. kate Fri 06.05.2015 at 8:22pm

    Kate, Pete and Lisa — 43:08 (Pete did situps for burpees) soo fun and a great team– totally worth getting out of bed for this morning 🙂

    • kate Fri 06.05.2015 at 8:24pm

      also — great seminar tonight! Thanks to Mel and Rap for making the opportunity available and to every one who showed up to learn 🙂 #pursuebetter

  7. Jeff C Fri 06.05.2015 at 8:42pm

    Cory, Eric and Jeff – 42:19 (I think). Also did 3 mile run just before class.

  8. Eric Fri 06.05.2015 at 10:29pm

    Eric, Willis and Christina 43:04 (I think). Dreaded this one ahead of time but ended up really liking it.

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