WOD: Fri 06.12.2015 “Griff”

2017-03-31T16:29:28-04:00By |Categories: WOD|19 Comments
  • Anne Marie



TEAM COMPETITION & SOCIAL ON SATURDAY: Athletes arrive by 2:30p. Social Starts at 5:30p. All information can be found HERE


2 Rounds:
800 Meter Run
400 Meter Run Backwards

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  1. Scott
    Scott Fri 06.12.2015 at 6:05am

    Griff: 11:38 (Weston High School Track)

    • kate
      kate Fri 06.12.2015 at 8:32am

      nice scott — way to get after it buddy!

  2. Amanda W
    Amanda W Fri 06.12.2015 at 8:02am

    Griff- 13:02

  3. kate
    kate Fri 06.12.2015 at 8:32am

    Griff — 11:05 — great push from Josh on this one and so glad to have overcome the fear of running backwards thanks to Mel 🙂

  4. Erica
    Erica Fri 06.12.2015 at 9:31am

    Griff – 12:18. Oh boy.

  5. mariamaramag
    mariamaramag Fri 06.12.2015 at 9:49am

    Grif – 14:04 PR on 1.5 mile pace

  6. nfitz
    nfitz Fri 06.12.2015 at 11:02am

    Time = forever! The run backwards for me was torture, my legs kept seizing up.

  7. Jim B
    Jim B Fri 06.12.2015 at 11:11am

    10:46 backwards running is harder than it looks…oh it looks hard too;-)

    • Andrew Pants
      Andrew Pants Fri 06.12.2015 at 5:21pm

      Flying! Way to go Jim

  8. Morgan
    Morgan Fri 06.12.2015 at 12:17pm

    11:56 🙂

  9. JayCash
    JayCash Fri 06.12.2015 at 1:43pm


    • Jim B
      Jim B Fri 06.12.2015 at 2:19pm

      happy bday!!

  10. Andrew Pants
    Andrew Pants Fri 06.12.2015 at 2:01pm

    11:06 – happy bday cash!

  11. Susan Stein
    Susan Stein Fri 06.12.2015 at 2:15pm

    15:06 slowest in the group at the 12:30, but a :50 PR. Sam- hope your car’s okay. Need to remember to look more often when running backwards.

  12. Pete
    Pete Fri 06.12.2015 at 4:54pm


  13. David S
    David S Fri 06.12.2015 at 7:09pm


  14. lisar
    lisar Fri 06.12.2015 at 8:21pm

    Griff 17:32

  15. Bill
    Bill Fri 06.12.2015 at 8:59pm

    Drop in @ San Francisco CrossFit.

    10 Minute Amrap
    8 weighted step ups (35#/24″)
    3 muscle ups

    6+10 Rx

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