7:24 45# single arm snatch and OH squat. Happy birthday Sarah and Manchester.
Kathy C
Thu 07.30.2015 at 7:12am
7:01, 25# – 1:03 faster this time but same weight -OHSs are a killer! Happy Birthday Sarah and Jason!
Thu 07.30.2015 at 7:28am
8:42 rx. that did not go as planned. so much time staring at the barbell. about a 0:50 pr, but nothing about that felt like a pr. happy birthday Sarah!
Thu 07.30.2015 at 8:00am
9:18 80# HPC and FS
Happy Birthday, Jason and Sarah!
Thu 07.30.2015 at 8:14am
Scar tissues – 6:54 55#/leg
Happy day you two young bucks!!
Thu 07.30.2015 at 9:56am
Scar Tissue –9:28, 45#. Went very light but the overhead squats felt very stable — feeling like I can start to put more on
9:28, 40 #
9:14, 35 # last time
9:42 Rx. Happy birthday, Sarah and Manchester!
Great work
7:24 45# single arm snatch and OH squat. Happy birthday Sarah and Manchester.
7:01, 25# – 1:03 faster this time but same weight -OHSs are a killer! Happy Birthday Sarah and Jason!
8:42 rx. that did not go as planned. so much time staring at the barbell. about a 0:50 pr, but nothing about that felt like a pr. happy birthday Sarah!
9:18 80# HPC and FS
Happy Birthday, Jason and Sarah!
Scar tissues – 6:54 55#/leg
Happy day you two young bucks!!
Scar Tissue –9:28, 45#. Went very light but the overhead squats felt very stable — feeling like I can start to put more on
Rest day for me, but happy birthday Sarah and ‘Chester!
10:06 @ 50#, 5# heavier than january
Scar Tissue: 7:32 75#
12:13 (must double check on white board) #25.
9:24, 115#, rounds of 12/9/6/3
11:11 @105#. Hatch day 2 before
11:29 rx
10:00- did Hang Power Cleans for the Snatch and Front squats instead of overhead (80#)
11:09 rx. All OHS were unbroken and snatches went 5/5/4/1, 4/4/3/1, 4/4/1, 5/1, 3. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Happy bday, Manchester!
7:52 75#