WOD: Sat 03.29.2016 “Jailbait” Mel2017-03-31T16:28:43-04:00Tags: front rack lunge, shoulder to overhead, toes to bar| WOD“Jailbait” 5 Rounds: 10 Front Rack Lunges (115/75) 15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 20 Toes to Bar Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 11 Comments Bill Sat 03.19.2016 at 8:17am 16:23 Rx. T2B get real tough. John.H Sat 03.19.2016 at 8:23am 19:08 RX Brett Sat 03.19.2016 at 8:29am 18:27 55#, TTB/knee ups Eric Sat 03.19.2016 at 9:45am 18:02 with lots of mods for my shoulder – 20 lunges on each side w/empty training bar / 15 cal row / 20 leg lifts to rack from floor lourdes Sat 03.19.2016 at 10:24am 19:31 65# FS, KUps erica Sat 03.19.2016 at 10:31am 15:50 or 15:53rx Cakes Sat 03.19.2016 at 1:18pm 3 Rounds w/ 75# and 10 toes to bar/10 leg raises each round. 6:50. Maria Sat 03.19.2016 at 9:28pm 19:18 65# Ted P. Sat 03.19.2016 at 9:45pm 17:34: 45# b/c of lunges; knee lifts with improving motion and strength Mel Sun 03.20.2016 at 7:18pm 12:26 55# Liz Price Sun 03.20.2016 at 8:59pm 18:30 – 35# lunges and Kipping Knees up Comments are closed.
16:23 Rx.
T2B get real tough.
19:08 RX
18:27 55#, TTB/knee ups
18:02 with lots of mods for my shoulder – 20 lunges on each side w/empty training bar / 15 cal row / 20 leg lifts to rack from floor
19:31 65# FS, KUps
15:50 or 15:53rx
3 Rounds w/ 75# and 10 toes to bar/10 leg raises each round. 6:50.
19:18 65#
17:34: 45# b/c of lunges; knee lifts with improving motion and strength
12:26 55#
18:30 – 35# lunges and Kipping Knees up