WOD: Tue 06.28.2016 “Light That Never Comes”

2017-03-31T16:28:33-04:00Tags: , , |
  • Moon, Sarah M, Meg and Britt post team competition. Job well done, ladies!


“Light That Never Comes”
3 Rounds For Time:
20 Cleans (135/95)
15 Jerks (135/95)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

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  1. Willis
    Willis Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:22am

    16:55 rx. #fingerparttwo

  2. Tara T
    Tara T Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:36am

    12:20 RX (Pr)

    • zdn
      zdn Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:23am


    • Erica
      Erica Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:53am

      Your the best! Great job!

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:05am

      Great PR!

  3. pancho
    pancho Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:36am

    18:47 115# kspu

  4. Carly
    Carly Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:38am

    13:54 75# KPU SO happy to be back! Missed everyone!!

    • Kathy C
      Kathy C Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:03am

      Missed you too, nice to see you!

    • Mel
      Mel Tue 06.28.2016 at 1:22pm

      We miss you! So great to workout with you this morning

  5. Bill
    Bill Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:38am

    10:51 Rx (1:52 PR)

    4/20/15 – 12:43 Rx
    2/6/14 – 13:22 Rx
    11/13/13 – 15:07 Rx

    • Pete
      Pete Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:53am

      Way to go!

    • zdn
      zdn Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:23am

      you were smoking today. impressive!

    • Erica
      Erica Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:54am

      You were flying!!! Great work!

    • Jim B
      Jim B Tue 06.28.2016 at 10:01am

      Wow, nice job.

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:06am

      PR ville!

    • btartufo
      btartufo Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:40am

      all those cleans this month are paying off! nice work!

  6. btartufo
    btartufo Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:52am

    14:54 115# KPU
    Sweaty grind today!!

  7. Kathy C
    Kathy C Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:58am

    2 + 29 at cap ( 17 mins?) 65#, jumping C2BPUs, first time feeling good about those!

    • Erica
      Erica Tue 06.28.2016 at 10:01am

      Yes Kathy!

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:05am

      Nice Kath!

  8. nfitz
    nfitz Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:02am

    11:26 4 rds KBDL/KBS/GHD #44

  9. Newt
    Newt Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:12am

    13:08 Rx
    1) 10,5,4,1 / 8,7 / 3,2,2,2,1
    2) 5,5,5,4,1 / 8,7 / 2,2,2,2,2
    3) 5,5,5,4,1 / 8,7 / Singles
    Too much rest during the 3rd Round

  10. #SpeedyTurtle
    #SpeedyTurtle Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:48am

    2+22 at cap (17min) #75 and kpu. the jerks killed me. Cleans and pullups felt great.
    cash out: Wendler deadlift and wall squats

    • Mel
      Mel Tue 06.28.2016 at 1:23pm

      GREAT pull ups today!!

  11. Pete
    Pete Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:56am

    2+12. 95#. 17m cap.
    Not happy about it today. Lower back tight on jerk and too much dorking around with tape and changing locations. Next time.

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:04am

      hahaha… “too much dorking around”. I know the feeling. This WOD is known for that.

  12. SamB
    SamB Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:11am

    13:08Rx last time.
    11:38Rx this time.

    on the right track! great job 6:30!

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:03am

      great improvement bud

  13. Andrew Pants
    Andrew Pants Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:15am

    13:41 RX this morning.

    Tried a new strategy: Quick Singles on the cleans, 6/5/4 on the jerks. Ended up being about 45 seconds slower. Sets of 4 or 5 next time.

  14. zdn
    zdn Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:25am

    18:46 Rx finished everything except the last set of CTBs at 16:50 and then kept slipping off the bar. sweaty mess.

  15. Amanda W
    Amanda W Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:52am

    14:27 75# KPU -still trying to go easy on a sore shoulder. Also accidentally did the first two rounds as split jerks.

  16. Ted
    Ted Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:58am

    16:05 65#, CtBBJs

  17. Jim B
    Jim B Tue 06.28.2016 at 10:01am

    14:56 Rx

  18. Erica
    Erica Tue 06.28.2016 at 10:08am

    16:31rx. It’s like I was in the bathroom when Mel said step out of my comfort zone bc I rested way too much.
    Last time 12:40-ish 85#
    Tomorrow is another day.

  19. Rap
    Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:03am

    10:20 rx… felt good until rd 3. woof. love this wod.
    12/8 – 9/6 – 10
    5s – 9/6 – 10
    5s – 6/5/4 – 10 (waaaaay too much rest on this round)
    1:07 off PR… will get it next time.

  20. AK
    AK Tue 06.28.2016 at 11:33am

    Catacombs Crossfit Durango, CO
    AMRAP 20
    5 HSPU
    10 Ring Rows
    15 V-ups

    4+4 (25# DB SP, jack knife situps)

    Warm up
    banded walks
    EMOM 7 (start with 1 rep each adn increase 1 rep every minute to 7 reps of each min 7)
    Cal row
    Air Squat
    6+19 (Could have pushed to finish…but didn’t – hello elevation!)

    Acclimation hike this evening 🙂

  21. TonyD
    TonyD Tue 06.28.2016 at 2:16pm

    2+20 at the cap RX

  22. mariamaramag
    mariamaramag Tue 06.28.2016 at 2:17pm

    17:15 75# / I couldn’t hold onto the pull up bar at all so mostly strict CTB!
    last time I did 65# and only 10 jerks and it took me 11 something.
    the jerks are my limiting factor here

  23. Lisa
    Lisa Tue 06.28.2016 at 3:06pm

    @ 17:00 cap had completed 2 + 27 (60# and jumping CTB)

  24. adavass
    adavass Tue 06.28.2016 at 3:14pm

    9:40 45#/GHD. I love getting to use the bar again even if I can’t go all out on weight yet.

  25. Nick M
    Nick M Tue 06.28.2016 at 4:36pm

    13:45 85#, KPU’s (didn’t push the weight because of shoulder issues)

  26. britt
    britt Tue 06.28.2016 at 7:29pm

    15:54 65#, KPU
    Almost 2 min slower than last year but I used a band then so I’ll consider that an improvement. Still have a ton of work to do on pull-ups, did singles. Broke up cleans and jerks into sets of 5 after 1st round.

  27. Dustin A
    Dustin A Tue 06.28.2016 at 8:40pm

    17:36 RX… wow I’ve been out a long time 🙂 good to move though

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:20pm

      cmon dude. get your bunz in that door.

  28. lourdes
    lourdes Tue 06.28.2016 at 9:32pm

    16:01 75# KPU

  29. David S
    David S Wed 06.29.2016 at 7:40am

    16:36 Rx – what a grind! Yesterday’s WOD (lunges) literally kicked my butt. C2B’s were all singles as expected with a lot of fails due to sweaty hands and grip failing. Look forward to doing this WOD a second time. Going to enjoy my much needed rest day…

  30. Jess
    Jess Thu 06.30.2016 at 11:05am


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