WOD: Tue 09.06.2016 “Move” Mel2017-03-31T16:28:24-04:00 HB Nicole! WOD“Move” 10-8-6-4-2 Hang Squat Clean (155/105) 50-40-30-20-10 Sit Ups Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 39 Comments Brett Tue 09.06.2016 at 6:29am 9:35 75# btartufo Tue 09.06.2016 at 6:46am 10:12 125# Lisa Tue 09.06.2016 at 6:47am 13:05 65# Pete Tue 09.06.2016 at 6:52am 12:40 115#. Mental. Took a few rounds to start feeling the form pancho Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:05am 12:46, 135# Willis Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:16am 7:12 Rx. Unbroken. #rapbattle zdn Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:39am outstanding Rap Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:15am Way to “move” today, Willis. (See what I did there?) Those midline cashouts paid dividends today. Bill Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:18am 9:00 Rx Huge 5:30 today. Great energy. adavass Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:27am 11:21? 70# poop squat Rap Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:15am Hahaha. We’re gonna need to see a video. zdn Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:39am 9:24 @135#. great to be back at Daybreak. Kathy C Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:54am Good to have to have you back! Not the same at 5:30 am without you! Moon (SG) Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:45am 10:04, 85# Andrew Pants Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:47am 7:00 Rx – cleans unbroken erica Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:41am Fire! Nice job!!! Kathy C Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:52am 10:56, 65# , ball helped Mel, butt touched it everytime Mel Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:22am looked good! Rap Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:16am 7:19 rx Dusty Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:29am 10:10 rx nfitz Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:30am 13:07 rx Ted P. Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:36am 12:10. 65# HPCs erica Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:43am 9:55,115# hpc. 45# bar Jodi Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:46am 12:55 #95 sets: 5,3,2/3,3,2/3,3/4/2 SamB Tue 09.06.2016 at 9:48am 8:15Rx Jim B Tue 09.06.2016 at 10:16am 8:07 rx – note to self for next time, no belt after 10, and get back on bar quick, rest doesn’t help. and wow, Andrew, Willis, Rap..moving Maria Tue 09.06.2016 at 11:06am 11:54 Rx Tony P Tue 09.06.2016 at 12:28pm 11:28 Rx Melissa Tue 09.06.2016 at 2:08pm 10:12 65# Chick Tue 09.06.2016 at 3:10pm 10:07 155# Back Squats britt Tue 09.06.2016 at 5:36pm 8:45 65# Good to be back! lourdes Tue 09.06.2016 at 7:17pm 11:36 95# Cakes Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:14pm 7:34rx Liz Price Tue 09.06.2016 at 8:48pm 14:31 – 45# Sarah M Wed 09.07.2016 at 11:59am 9:43, hang cleans 85#. So not a good day. Sara Brown Wed 09.07.2016 at 12:24pm Sarah you were 8:43 Sarah M Wed 09.07.2016 at 1:36pm Oops! Thank you. Sara Brown Wed 09.07.2016 at 12:25pm 8:43 rx Endo- 4.2 miles – 2 min on/ 1 min off Nicole Wed 09.07.2016 at 3:56pm 11:21 95# Comments are closed.
9:35 75#
10:12 125#
13:05 65#
12:40 115#. Mental.
Took a few rounds to start feeling the form
12:46, 135#
7:12 Rx. Unbroken. #rapbattle
Way to “move” today, Willis. (See what I did there?) Those midline cashouts paid dividends today.
9:00 Rx
Huge 5:30 today. Great energy.
11:21? 70# poop squat
Hahaha. We’re gonna need to see a video.
9:24 @135#. great to be back at Daybreak.
Good to have to have you back! Not the same at 5:30 am without you!
10:04, 85#
7:00 Rx – cleans unbroken
Fire! Nice job!!!
10:56, 65# , ball helped Mel, butt touched it everytime
looked good!
7:19 rx
10:10 rx
13:07 rx
12:10. 65# HPCs
9:55,115# hpc. 45# bar
12:55 #95 sets: 5,3,2/3,3,2/3,3/4/2
8:07 rx – note to self for next time, no belt after 10, and get back on bar quick, rest doesn’t help.
and wow, Andrew, Willis, Rap..moving
11:54 Rx
11:28 Rx
10:12 65#
10:07 155# Back Squats
8:45 65#
Good to be back!
11:36 95#
14:31 – 45#
9:43, hang cleans 85#. So not a good day.
Sarah you were 8:43
Oops! Thank you.
8:43 rx
Endo- 4.2 miles – 2 min on/ 1 min off
11:21 95#