WOD: Sat 09.17.2016 “Team Tire Race”

2017-03-31T16:28:24-04:00Tags: , |
  • HB Karyn!


“Team Tire Race”
Two teams race to flip a tire 800m
(Men 7 flips, Women 4 flips)

After your flips, run 400m around the course to the back of your team line.


power snatch + snatch
5 sets building
power clean + clean
5 sets building
GHD back extensions
3×10 w/25-45# db on chest

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  1. Scott Sat 09.17.2016 at 10:10am

    Great 7:00am class today. Fun time flipping and running. No clue on time.

  2. Eric Sat 09.17.2016 at 12:25pm

    Good times at 7 am. Probably did around 7 or 8 400s

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