WOD: Wed 06.20.2018 “Youngblood”

2018-06-19T08:56:09-04:00By |Categories: WOD|26 Comments


20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Toes to Bar

WOD Guidance & Goal: These are complimentary movements. Keep transition time short and go for big sets. 

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3 rounds:
1 min rest
4 min rest

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  1. Erin
    Erin Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:41am

    11:19 (no squat bc groin)

  2. Brett
    Brett Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:44am

    13:45 10# … slow but unbroken

  3. estrehle
    estrehle Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:45am

    12:11 rx

  4. El Guapo
    El Guapo Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:48am

    El Guapo

  5. btartufo
    btartufo Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:53am

    7:48 16#WB & leg lifts (wrist)

  6. Katherine
    Katherine Wed 06.20.2018 at 7:22am

    14:47 rx

  7. Eric
    Eric Wed 06.20.2018 at 7:22am

    14:34 14#

  8. Dusty
    Dusty Wed 06.20.2018 at 7:36am

    7:01 Rx
    Sorry 5:30 for my delayed counting during the cash out

    • Erica
      Erica Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:19am

      You Crushed the wod. The cash-out was another story…

    • #SpeedyTurtle
      #SpeedyTurtle Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:54am

      you just wanted us to be #morefit
      we thank you 🙂

    • El Guapo
      El Guapo Wed 06.20.2018 at 11:10am

      7:01? I’d buy a ticket just to watch that. Amazing job.
      Just wondering if those goofy slappy five warmups you shared with El Guapo contributed to that crazy speed?

  9. Erica
    Erica Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:20am

    10:42 – squat to parallel, 16#

  10. Willis
    Willis Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:23am

    8:24 Rx.

  11. Ted
    Ted Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:31am

    15:15 @ 16#. More cowbell.

    • Ted
      Ted Wed 06.20.2018 at 1:20pm


  12. #SpeedyTurtle
    #SpeedyTurtle Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:55am

    11:15 #14 – I’d love to say unbroken but had to repeat one no-rep on round 10 after the ball hit the ground.
    Strict leg raises hanging from rig – tried to focus on pushing back

  13. Moon (SG)
    Moon (SG) Wed 06.20.2018 at 10:26am

    10:41, 12#

  14. Tony P
    Tony P Wed 06.20.2018 at 10:57am

    9:28 rx

  15. Silver Fox
    Silver Fox Wed 06.20.2018 at 11:59am

    11:07 Rx (about half of T2B fell just short of contact with the bar)

  16. Jack L
    Jack L Wed 06.20.2018 at 12:42pm

    11:02 rx
    Ran 2 miles before class followed by a snatch complex.
    A seven minute EMOM after class – 3 hspu

  17. SamB
    SamB Wed 06.20.2018 at 1:45pm

    dont know how dusty did that. thats nutzo

  18. mdu3737
    mdu3737 Wed 06.20.2018 at 3:07pm

    8:24 12#

  19. Michele
    Michele Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:30pm


  20. Katie
    Katie Wed 06.20.2018 at 6:57pm


    However this seems too fast for me so I’m thinking I messed up some reps ?

  21. lourdes
    lourdes Wed 06.20.2018 at 8:13pm

    15:22 10# – no other choice other than a 20# or 30# ball. All T2B and unbroken WB – huge win for me breathing wise – as much as I love that back rig, the air doesn’t move well back there. Managed the asthma well the last two workouts.
    Barbell: 8×3 55# Hang Snatch/OHS
    3×10 135# Back Squats

  22. Bryan M
    Bryan M Fri 06.22.2018 at 8:03am

    I was super happy that I did the wall balls unbroken

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