“I’m The One”
50/40 Calorie Bike
800 Meter Run
21 Snatches (135/95)
15 Ring Dips
9 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal: Bike and run will take 2:30-4 minutes each. The snatch weight should be light enough to get 3 in a row, but heavy enough you have to put it down after no more than 5. Chip away at the ring dips and do small sets of chest to bars so you don’t go to failure. Aim to complete this workout around 15 minutes.
Post Time to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
6 Rounds
50 meter sprint
300m moderate
3 min rest
17:07 85#, SPU, red band ring rows
Ring dips**
19:30 80#/SPU
First time doing all strict ring dips in a WOD! Thanks for the tips Michele!
Congrats, Erin!
15:08 75#, spu, red band dips
15:26 Rx
17:40 70#, red dips, SPU
19:15, 75#, strict c2b w/purple band.
15:32 Rx
15:05 at 115 (up 20 from last time)
El Guapo
18:04. 85#
15:33 100#/ kip c2b
Post-bronchitis lung burner…
16:08 65#, thin band RDs & PUs
June 2017: 14:50 55#, RBDs, RBPUs
12:25 125#
16:30, 85#, purple band dips, red band PUs
16:56. 55# / Red band dips / 3SPUswithout band and 6 red band.
16:32 115#/red band dips/purple strict (not great form)
14:05 rx… almost had the blonde.
Not really.
#65 (set of 7 then 1-2 after)
#30 skull crusher for dips (shoulder)
17:40 or 17:59 – lost count on my PllUps so i did one more for good measure – 75#/RedBand Dips/SPU