“Midline March”
3 Rounds:
25 Sit Ups
50′ Handstand Walk
20 Overhead Lunges (155/105)
WOD Guidance & Goal: We’ve done this workout before and it’s true to its name. Push the pace on the sit ups. Practice wall walks or handstand shoulder taps as a scale for handstand walking. And choose a weight you can do 10 lunges (5 per side) unbroken when fresh. Target 15 minutes.
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10x400m w/1 min easy between sets
16:05. 75#. Hsw 50-25-25.
12:37 65#
14:24, 25 shoulder taps(plank), 45# OHS 2 bench
13:40 wall walks to 25 taps, 60#
11:22, 3 WWs, 35# OHS to ball (10)
15:05 45#/ 5 wall walks-still not quite closing in on the wall- hands about 18” out
12:16 55#
Lighter in preparation for team comp
Bicycle situps
25 shoulder taps
20 65# ohs
15:30? WWs, 55# OHLs
2017: 19? assisted HSKU; 55# OHLs
13:58 65#, shoulder taps
15:13 #95
13:31, 65#, HSW attempts
14:03 (115#)
10:29 65#
12:36 25 wall facing shoulder taps/95# lunges
14:03 55#/walk2wall
16:04 rx. 4:56 min PR
13:00 75#/25′ Walk
12:06 45#, ww, taps