“Coma Cat”
5 Rounds
15 Wall Balls
10 Pull ups
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Weight: 20/14
5 Rounds
15 Wall Balls
5 Pull Ups
5 Strict Abmat Handstand Push Ups
Weight: 14/10
5 Rounds
15 Wall Balls
5 Banded Strict
5 Dumbbell Seated Press
Weight: 10/6
Wall balls, pull ups, and handstands OH MY! Do as many rounds of the wall balls (:30-:45), pull ups (:20) and handstand push ups (:10) UNBROKEN! Once you can no longer do them unbroken, do them in the biggest sets you can. Target 10 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
5 Rounds
25 Squats
15 Push Ups
5 Sit to Stands
60 min
Sprint :30
Jog 2:30
9:46 8#, 2 ab mats
10:50 MAx
16:11.? Maybe 11:16- 10# WB, banded PUs ( r/ blk), 20#DB seated press
MAx 11:31 2 AbMats
9:15. 20# wb. 8 spu. 30# dbp
8:18 mcx
10:23, 12#, 2 ab mats
Tuesday’s foundations
26# kb
10:22 MCx
Tues Foundations – arms smoked after the wod!
85#-135# split jerks
26# kb
9:13 MCx
9:05 1abmat+plate
10:06 1 ab mat +10# plate
Kevin – 7:17, 8# WB, blue/red band PUs, 15#DB press
11:26. To keep the stimulus only ~5 RBPUs/round
11:26. To keep the stimulus only ~5 RBPUs/round. 14# WB
5:55 mcx