“Happy + Healthy”
4 Rounds
24/18 Calorie Bike
16 Knees to Elbow
500 Meter Row
8 Bar Muscle Ups
4 Rounds
18/14 Calorie Bike
16 Knees Up
400 Meter Row
8 Chest to Bars
4 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Bike
12 Tuck ups
350 Meter Row
8 Strict Pull Ups
15/12 Calorie Bike
12 Tuck ups
350 Meter Row
8 Strict Pull Ups
ALL the rig work! The calorie bike should take around :90-2:00 to complete, target 55+ rpms to meet this time domain. For the knees to elbow, chip away in sets of 4-8 reps. These are a bit harder than toes to bar, do not go to failure. The row will take around the same time as the calorie bike (2:00), then chip away at bar muscle ups in sets of 2-4, or fast singles. Each round will take around 6-7 minutes. Target 28 minutes for the entire workout.
Post Time to Comments.
4 Rounds
200 Meter Run
16 Tuck Ups
500 Meter Row
8 Supermen
22:48 (tuck ups / c2b)
27:22 MAX
22:32 c2b
20 cal bike
16 proper KtEAs
500 m
8 thin band PUs
Long one — so surprised to catch my train!
25:40. Strict c2b
30 min bmu attempts- worked on linking BMUs
28:41 mcx
slow and steady on that bike and row. good grinder today.
nice work moving through that one!
30:05 mcx w/ 4 BMUs/rnd
completely gassed by the end of this one!
22:48 (If I remember correctly). Done w/ Tuck Ups & Strict PU. Still dealing w/ a rip from last weeks BMU’s.
15:28, without bike! 300n row, 16 tuck ups, PUs purple band
Kevin 15:03, 300 m row, 16 LLs, 8 blue/red band PUs
32:07 4 BMU/Att per round, got 11 BMU!!
Wooohoo! Incredible!!
Last one looked as good as the first
27:02 18/16/500/then 8 chest to bars
28:27- CTB, rest mcx
Ripped v dramatically in the last round 😅
28:02 MCx
27:20 mcx
26:39 with my mods: KUs and strict w blue band (maybe some kipping going on as a survival tactic)