• FREE CLINIC SAT 1/22 at 10a: Beginner Pull Ups! Are you looking for a program to help you get that first pull up?  This clinic is for you! Plus you’ll get a head start to the specialty clinic on the 5th. Sign up on Triib


“Rowing Tosh”

With a Partner
3 Rounds Each
250-500-750 Meter Row

With a Partner
3 Rounds Each
250-500-750 Meter Row

With a Partner
3 Rounds Each
200-400-600 Meter Row

Grab a buddy and buckle up cuz you’re in for a fun one! Here’s how you’re going to attack this workout, Partner 1 completes the 250m, then partner 2 will do the same. Partner one then moves to 500m, followed by partner 2. Then 750m for both athletes. Repeat this process two more times. Target 40 minutes

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100 pushups
100 sit ups
100 squats
100 lunges


3 Rounds Each
200-400-600 Meter Run
*equal rest