• Yoga at Hometown Sweat: This Friday 9/13, Hometown Sweat is hosting a Hot Yoga (Vinyasa) class for Daybreak members! The class is at 10:45am, please rsvp on the whiteboard at Daybreak by Thu 9/12. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water bottle. We hope you can make it!


1×10 at 6.5/10
1×10 at 7/10
1×8 at 7.5/10
1×6 at 8/10

8 x :10 on/:20 off

Heavy Day! Coaches will help you work up to a 6.5/10 effort for the first working set of strict press. You’ll then ideally build every set, and the last two sets the reps decrease, hooray! Remember to keep your legs locked and no arching backward. Take at least two minutes between sets so your arms are completely recovered!

Yes, we’re sprinting again! Unlike last time, we will not be doing sprints every week, they will be spread out every two weeks. Attack today’s sprints at 120% of your max aerobic speed (rpms) based on your last 2 mile bike test. Record your average rpms.

Post Weight + RPMS to Comments. Compare Scores HERE and HERE