News: June Daybreak Dedicated

Well, lookie what we have here. Zev (the man) with his first muscle up today, also takes the Dedicated crown with 26 visits. AND we have a FOUR WAY TIE for second place! Chris, Sarah, Jim and Scott were right on Zev’s heels with 25 visits each. At this point, we don’t have enough reserved parking to go around… so, first come first served on the DEDICATED spots!

It’s amazing that our top ten athletes all have over 20 visits for the month given that our doors are open approximately 25 days.

Also, for the first time in our short history, we have an ENTIRE FAMILY on our dedicated board. The Clarke’s (Sarah, Kathy and Kevin) have been working hard all month and their dedication shows!

Congrats to all our Daybreakers who made the dedicated list and who continually #pursuebetter.

Here are all the members who have over 15 visits:

2017-02-22T21:09:07-05:00By |Categories: News|1 Comment

News: 5:30am Classes EVERY WEEKDAY!

Big schedule update! 5:30am classes will be held Monday through Friday, with 6:30am classes on Tuesday and Thursday.

Feedback on our survey has been extremely constructive! This was one of the major asks of many members. And now we’re delivering.

2014-06-30T20:33:05-04:00By |Categories: News|Comments Off on News: 5:30am Classes EVERY WEEKDAY!

News: Fuel for Fire is Fueling our Oly Clinic!

This just in! Fuel for Fire will be taking care of the fueling needs of our Olympic Lifting Clinic participants! Get your complimentary Fuel Packs at check-in.

A Fuel Pack is just pureed fruit plus whey protein. That’s it. Nothing artificial. No mysterious ingredients. With 10 grams of protein and natural carbs from fruit, Fuel Packs are perfect for pre-workout energy or post-workout recovery.

Thanks FFF for keeping our community fueled right!

2014-06-25T20:39:36-04:00By |Categories: News|Comments Off on News: Fuel for Fire is Fueling our Oly Clinic!

News: More Spots Added to Oly Clinic!

We capped out our Oly Clinic a few weeks ago, but because of high demand, we’ve beefed up the session in order to accommodate more participants. If you want to #pursuebetter in Oly and CrossFit, this clinic is for you.

Our good friends, Brandon Petersen and TJ Blair, from LiveFree Weightlifting will be coming to Daybreak CrossFit to educate, refine and tune your Olympic weightlifting technique. Brandon currently coaches 5 nationally-ranked Olympic weightlifters and owns/competes/coaches at CrossFit Free in Salem, NH. TJ is one of Brandon’s very dedicated and hard working athletes, who is nationally-ranked in two weight classes and placed 11th in the American Open this year.

Brandon and TJ will spend 3 hours with this class focusing on everything you need to know to get better at Olympic lifting… which will help you get better at CrossFit. This clinic will cover:

  • Lifting for CrossFit vs Lifting for Lifting
  • Proper warm up
  • Position review and […]
2017-02-22T21:09:07-05:00By |Categories: News|Comments Off on News: More Spots Added to Oly Clinic!

Member Poll: Even More Kids and Teens Classes?

We are filling up our Daybreak KIDS classes and want to expand the program. We are also about to launch our Daybreak TEENS class very soon.

We want to hear from our CrossFit parents about which days and times would fit into your busy schedules?

Kids (6-11): Currently we have TUE and THU at 4:30p. What other days and/times would suit you?

Teens (12-16): We have had a lot of interest in a dedicated teens class and we’re going to make this happen. What days and times would fit best into your teen’s schedule? Right now we’re considering 4:30p on MON, WED and FRI.

Please post feedback here or email us at [email protected].

2014-06-19T20:22:27-04:00By |Categories: News|2 Comments