WOD – Tue, Jan 14 Back Squat + “Baddies”

Back Squat (4 x 6, across at 70%

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you build to a 7/10 effort (could do 3 more reps,) which you’ll hold across for all four sets of six reps. Take two minutes of rest between sets. Record your weight.)

“Baddies” (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Rounds
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Toes to Bar
Rest 1 Minute

MAx: 12/9 cals, knee or pike ups
MVx: 9/6 cals, v-ups or leg lifts

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Today’s interval workout is meant to be around :90-2:00 at most, with a build in rest of one minute. Try […]


WOD – Mon, Jan 13 Clean Complex + “Air”

Clean Complex – clean pull, hang power clean, power clean (10 Rounds for reps)

10 x on the :90
1 Clean Pull
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean

GOALS + GUIDANCE: A weightlifting complex is a great opportunity to dial in your form and technique. The clean pull is to focus on straight arms and keeping the bar close. The hang power clean helps to focus on a speedy jump and fast elbows to the rack position. Then you combine both movements, and their focuses, to hopefully execute a mean-looking power lean! Start at a lighter weight (6/10 effort) and make small builds from there. Per ushe, […]


WOD – Sun, Jan 12 “Hound Dog”

“Hound Dog” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

600 Meter Run
30 Cal Bike
60 Sit Ups

MAx: 25 cal bike
MVx; 400m run, 20 cals, 40 sit ups

WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: Yes, 40 minutes! From the very beginning find a moderate pace that you can maintain for 40 minutes. Run the 600 in 3-ish minutes, complete the bike in 2:00-3:00, and complete the sit ups in :90-2:00. Target 5-6 rounds.


WOD – Sat, Jan 11 “Where Ya From”

“Where Ya From” (10 Rounds for reps)

10 x on the 2 Minute
10 DB Deadlifts
10 DB Front Squats
10 Box Jump Overs, 20″

MCx: 5035
MAx: 35/20, step overs 20″
MVx; 8 reps, 25/15, step up 20″

WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: The goal is to complete every round in 1 min or less, so you have an equal work to rest ratio. The dumbbell deadlifts and front squats should be unbroken. The deadlifts will feel light and the front squats much heavier. The front squats will be your limiting factor when it comes to choosing your dumbbells. Motor through the box jumps in around :30 to complete the […]
