7:57 rx. Sandwiched between Justin and Craigie. Heck of a push. Brutal on the quads.
Jim B Sat 12.28.2013 at 4:23pm
11:53 Rx, did with my buddy ken k up in Maine, he did 11:50 Rx
Sharon R Sat 12.28.2013 at 5:20pm
11:22 45# – that was really hard – the rowing killed me, and the fact that I was not able to move my chin out of the way fast enough for the bar to get by during warm-up didn’t help (ouch)! . . . Flight Simulator – got only up to 4 uninterrupted double unders. Play my last ‘I was sick all week’ card on this one . . .
12:08 95# Excellent pointers on the Jerk! Timing and elbows up.
Forgot about the mystery buy in… 3:45-ish on Flight Simulator (only up to and down from 30 DUs).
9:05 @ 135#
7:57 rx. Sandwiched between Justin and Craigie. Heck of a push. Brutal on the quads.
11:53 Rx, did with my buddy ken k up in Maine, he did 11:50 Rx
11:22 45# – that was really hard – the rowing killed me, and the fact that I was not able to move my chin out of the way fast enough for the bar to get by during warm-up didn’t help (ouch)! . . . Flight Simulator – got only up to 4 uninterrupted double unders. Play my last ‘I was sick all week’ card on this one . . .
6:57 RX
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