“Feel Again”
100 Meter Walking Lunge
800 Meter Run
100 Air Squats

Post Time to Comments.

Specialty Class
5 Rep Max Hang Power Snatch

Teams For Saturday’s Internal Team Throwdown
Please let us know if we missed your name or you’re not able to participate. Still a couple spots left to make 1 more team… Any takers?

Team NameAthlete 1Athlete 2Athlete 3
MichaelJackMelissaJohn P
MurphSarah CNicAmanda W
BadgerJim BEmerittMeg D
NateTaraChristinaKevin C
RandyDavid NJessKathy C
GriffAndrew KKristinJanice
Lumberjack 20ManchesterAKLynette
NuttsJulie OEric Bl.Marissa
The SevenMIcheleDavid CMorgan
WhittenPat WSherryLori
BullKeithS ColketOlivia
ChiefJen LChristinaCory
Mod SquatZevMegan BTony DJen B, Sam B
