“Counting Stars”: 8:36 with 105#. Too light since I did all the sets unbroken but was concerned about going too heavy with my injury. That rotator cuff injury also meant I had to do all strict toes-to-bar and each of them one at a time to avoid all kipping.
Counting stars – 11:07 105#. Thank you kate for the push, I would have broken up some of those sets without your help!
DL after- maria with a 10 PR 1RM – 215. And had more in the tank!
11/5/13 – 10:07 165# & V-ups (my rands must have been all torn up)
11/1/14 – 14:5? Rx (sets were too big in rounds of 15/12, next time try fast sets of 3)
Counting Stars — 11:25, 75#. Could have done more weight since all sets unbroken but my elbow hurt on the cleans getting the bar up. TTB was all at least two at a time – 5 at one point, which feels like real progress
“Counting Stars”: 8:36 with 105#. Too light since I did all the sets unbroken but was concerned about going too heavy with my injury. That rotator cuff injury also meant I had to do all strict toes-to-bar and each of them one at a time to avoid all kipping.
“Counting Stars” 11:02 60# Thanks for the pep-talk Kate!
12:41 Rx
Great work Dave!
Nice, and you were going to take the weekend off….
8:23 RX
Wow Michelle- strong work!
Counting Stars: 9:21, 55#, knee ups.
Counting stars – 11:07 105#. Thank you kate for the push, I would have broken up some of those sets without your help!
DL after- maria with a 10 PR 1RM – 215. And had more in the tank!
11:16 155#
11/5/13 – 10:07 165# & V-ups (my rands must have been all torn up)
11/1/14 – 14:5? Rx (sets were too big in rounds of 15/12, next time try fast sets of 3)
Counting Stars: 13:17 135#. Good week but ready for a day off! Couldn’t find a stretch today that didn’t hurt.
13:51 155#
Counting Stars — 11:25, 75#. Could have done more weight since all sets unbroken but my elbow hurt on the cleans getting the bar up. TTB was all at least two at a time – 5 at one point, which feels like real progress
Counting Stars: 7:44 65# KU 2000m run
12:05 rx. It’s official… this workout is just plain ol’ nasty. PJ: 5/3/3/4, 5/3/2/2, 3/3/3, 3/3, 3. TTB: 8/7, 6/6, 9, 6, 3