WOD: Sat 12.12.2015 “Clean and Jerk plus Open 11.3” Mel2017-03-31T16:29:00-04:00Tags: clean and jerk| Scott and Snack in their typical wod garb NEWS Anyone running the Jingle All the Way 5K, meet by the start line at 9:45a. See you there! WOD Clean and Jerk 5 x 1 Rep Open 11.3 AMRAP 5 Clean and Jerks (165/110) *Do not have to squat today Post Weight and Reps to Comments. Compare Scores HERE and HERE Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 22 Comments Brett Sat 12.12.2015 at 8:22am 95# [pr], 32 @ 75# Eric Sat 12.12.2015 at 9:15am 135# (PR), 42 @ 105# lourdes Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:10pm Nice job Eric!! You seem to be getting stronger by the week! Eric Sat 12.12.2015 at 2:05pm Thanks, Lourdes! Bill Sat 12.12.2015 at 9:25am 205# (power clean and jerk PR) 54 Rx Michele Sat 12.12.2015 at 9:46am 175# power clean and jerk 82rx (power) Ted Sat 12.12.2015 at 10:07am 100# clean & jerk; 85# c&j 28 reps. Just SHOW UP! nfitz Sat 12.12.2015 at 10:52am 120#/ 28 rx SamB Sat 12.12.2015 at 11:08am 270# 10#pr. 60Rx all power for me too. Pete Sat 12.12.2015 at 11:20am 130#. 15# PR over October. 25 @ 115#. Missed one jerk. Erica Sat 12.12.2015 at 11:26am 150# c&j PR. 48 reps rx, last time 32. Totally bc I was standing behind Michele and she was LIGHTNING!! zdn Sat 12.12.2015 at 11:56am 205# PR for both PC and jerk. 44 Rx Willis Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:01pm Incredible! Nice lift! brandanmccanna Sat 12.12.2015 at 12:13pm 230# PR 42 Rx squat cleans Andrew Pants Sat 12.12.2015 at 12:14pm clean and jerk: 225# PR tie. 34 rx squat clean and jerks Megan B Sat 12.12.2015 at 12:35pm 155# c&j 28 rx, squat cleans lourdes Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:08pm So awesome on that C&J!! Willis Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:02pm 195# / 36 Rx lourdes Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:07pm 115# PR 5# (was able to clean this at the masters comp last spring but could not get it overhead…yahoo – today was the day)! 85# 50 John.H Sat 12.12.2015 at 1:56pm 222# PR/ 50 RX Liz P. Sat 12.12.2015 at 6:10pm 75# max then 42 at 55# Mel Sun 12.13.2015 at 4:49pm Look at all the PRs!! Woo hoo!! 135#C&J 145# Clean Comments are closed.
95# [pr], 32 @ 75#
135# (PR), 42 @ 105#
Nice job Eric!! You seem to be getting stronger by the week!
Thanks, Lourdes!
205# (power clean and jerk PR)
54 Rx
175# power clean and jerk
82rx (power)
100# clean & jerk; 85# c&j 28 reps. Just SHOW UP!
120#/ 28 rx
270# 10#pr. 60Rx
all power for me too.
130#. 15# PR over October. 25 @ 115#. Missed one jerk.
150# c&j PR. 48 reps rx, last time 32. Totally bc I was standing behind Michele and she was LIGHTNING!!
205# PR for both PC and jerk.
44 Rx
Incredible! Nice lift!
230# PR
42 Rx squat cleans
clean and jerk: 225# PR tie.
34 rx squat clean and jerks
155# c&j
28 rx, squat cleans
So awesome on that C&J!!
195# / 36 Rx
115# PR 5# (was able to clean this at the masters comp last spring but could not get it overhead…yahoo – today was the day)!
85# 50
222# PR/ 50 RX
75# max then 42 at 55#
Look at all the PRs!! Woo hoo!!
145# Clean