WOD: Mon 04.04.2016 “Mary”

2017-03-31T16:28:42-04:00Tags: , , |
  • Happy Birthday Eric!


5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

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1600m run
25 walking lunges
1200m run
25 walking lunges
800m run
25 walking lunges
400m run
25 walking lunges

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  1. Brett Mon 04.04.2016 at 6:53am

    5+ 25, bench HSPU, 10 air squats

  2. Willis Mon 04.04.2016 at 7:17am

    10+12 Rx

    • zdn Mon 04.04.2016 at 7:55am


  3. Kathy C Mon 04.04.2016 at 7:38am

    6 + 19, bench HSPUs, AS, bl band PUs. Eric, have a great birthday!

  4. zdn Mon 04.04.2016 at 7:55am

    6+8 (1 ab mat, 10# plate for pistols). happy birthday eric

    note for me: legs smoked from last week. pistols were not happening at first. hspu felt good

  5. erica Mon 04.04.2016 at 8:33am

    8+15 (I think) – I did a combo of pu/RR/GHD for pull-ups. My hands are raw from yesterday.
    Happy Birthday Eric! Great birthday gift to yourself is killing your first crossfit comp yesterday! GREAT JOB!!!

  6. Megan B Mon 04.04.2016 at 8:45am

    5+23 with 1 abmat. Stopped about 90 seconds early because I ripped my hand. 🙁

  7. Jim B Mon 04.04.2016 at 10:29am

    11+6 Rx

  8. btartufo Mon 04.04.2016 at 10:34am

    5 +5 HSPU (2 abmats & 10# plate), assisted Pistols in first round then went to air squats.
    Happy with HSPU progress – Hands are torn up from pull ups

  9. Bill Mon 04.04.2016 at 10:54am

    10+18 Rx

    HSPU – All Unbroken
    Pistols – Working on not grabbing my foot. Felt really good and fast enough.
    Pull-ups – Made it thru Rd. 1 unbroken, then sets of 5 for the remainder of the WOD.

  10. Tony P Mon 04.04.2016 at 1:10pm

    9 + 5 Rx
    big 8:30 group today!

  11. Scott Mon 04.04.2016 at 1:38pm

    7 rounds. Assisted Pistols.

  12. Jess Mon 04.04.2016 at 2:29pm

    7 Rounds even. RR last two rounds.

  13. Chick Mon 04.04.2016 at 2:44pm

    8 + 9 Rx

  14. AK Mon 04.04.2016 at 5:13pm

    5 (hspu knees on bench; green band assisted pistols; green band strict pull ups)

    Endurance on treadmill 6.0/6.1/6.2/7.0

  15. Lisa Mon 04.04.2016 at 8:01pm

    5 + 5 – bench HSPU (knees), green band AP, green and blue band pull-ups

  16. Eric Mon 04.04.2016 at 8:28pm

    6+5 — HSPU to floor, pistols with 5# plate, 6 PU/9 RR per rd.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Between the comp yesterday, one of my favorite WODs today, getting to pick the music and the fun warmup it’s been an awesome birthday.

  17. SamB Mon 04.04.2016 at 9:36pm

    7+27 w 70# gob squat for pistols

  18. lourdes Mon 04.04.2016 at 11:06pm

    8+29 (3 AbMat, GrBandPU)
    3×15 GHD
    45# hang squat snatch 3x every minute for 10 min – didn’t have the form at 55#, dropped to 45#

  19. Justin Wed 04.06.2016 at 9:45pm

    6+25 – ring rows rounds 5 & 6, 2 AbMats

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