WOD: Fri 04.15.2016 “Turbulence”

2017-03-31T16:28:41-04:00Tags: , |


April Vacation Schedule Updates

  • Marathon Monday 4/18: 5:30a, 9a and 5:30p classes ONLY
  • No Teens Classes: Tue 4/19 and Thu 4/21
  • No Yoga Saturday 4/23



Teams of 3 Complete:
10,000 Meter Row

*Athletes must switch every 250 meters and do 5 burpees

Post Times to Comments.

Compare Scores HERE


Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance
10 rounds on the minute

2 Position Squat Snatch
From floor then launch (1″ above knee)
Hold bottom of squat for 3 seconds


10K Time Trial

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  1. Bill
    Bill Fri 04.15.2016 at 6:31am

    Bill/Brett/Brian – 39:40.5

  2. btartufo
    btartufo Fri 04.15.2016 at 6:43am

    Ada/Pete/Brian 41:31
    Great job guys!!

    • Rap
      Rap Fri 04.15.2016 at 12:41pm


  3. Pete
    Pete Fri 04.15.2016 at 7:51am

    Way to pull Ada and brian

  4. Kathy C
    Kathy C Fri 04.15.2016 at 8:38am

    Jason/ Marina/ Kathy 44:46, great job team!

  5. Erica
    Erica Fri 04.15.2016 at 9:13am

    Sanjeen/Lisa/Erica – 45:46 – Great work Team!

  6. Michele
    Michele Fri 04.15.2016 at 9:48am

    Willis/Maria/Cakes- 39:50.1

  7. Jim B
    Jim B Fri 04.15.2016 at 10:10am

    Lisa/Trish/Paloma/Jim 41:13 – Nice work team!!

  8. Megan B
    Megan B Fri 04.15.2016 at 1:14pm

    Megan B/Sara C/Mike – 43:20
    Last time I did this WOD I did all the burpees afterwards because my back was super tight. This time I did them during the WOD. Kept all my splits around 1:54; last time they were around 1:53. OOOF.

  9. britt
    britt Fri 04.15.2016 at 1:28pm

    Britt/Todd/Carla 43:14
    Seemed never ending but was a fun one!

  10. Mel
    Mel Fri 04.15.2016 at 3:45pm

    Mel and Rap… 26:48 6500K

  11. Nicole
    Nicole Fri 04.15.2016 at 7:42pm

    Brian/Cory/Nicole 42:17 or its 43:17

  12. Liz P.
    Liz P. Fri 04.15.2016 at 9:07pm

    Liz/ Em/ Conroy -39:22 or so. So psyched we did it within 40 minutes! No sure I hopped on all the burpees.

  13. lourdes
    lourdes Fri 04.15.2016 at 11:20pm

    40:52 Dave S/Mike/Lourdes

  14. AK
    AK Sat 04.16.2016 at 4:02am

    Marissa/Leslie/AK 44:12 (I think)
    Slowest 250m 1:52
    Fastest 1:46

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