WOD: Thu 06.02.2016 “Lemonade” Mel2017-03-31T16:28:38-04:00Tags: hang power clean, run| Rajan. No Excuses. WOD“Lemonade” 4 Rounds: 200 Meter Run 12 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 42 Comments Lisa Thu 06.02.2016 at 6:40am 13:39 70# Brett Thu 06.02.2016 at 6:53am 9:40,9 reps@ 85# btartufo Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:11am 10:45 135# – perfect weight today! Runs felt great Homework: Mike run 8:21 slower today but legs were heavy after WOD John.H Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:18am 11:14 RX Willis Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:28am 8:34 rx. (12-6/6-7/5-7/5) Andrew Pants Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:43am 8:02 Rx (8-4,5-4-3,5-4-3,8-4) great class, fun trying to chase Mel and Rap! Kathy C Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:55am 11:25 65# Bill Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:09am 12:13 Rx Hang Power Cleans are a big goat of mine. Form stayed pretty good throughout the workout, but had to take it slow. Happy w/ the progress. TonyD Thu 06.02.2016 at 11:08am I hate running more than you hate hang power cleans. way to stick with it Pete Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:17am 14:22. 125#. Sets of 3. 2 fails erica Thu 06.02.2016 at 1:12pm Nice job! Jodi Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:20am 12:57 #85. Just couldn’t hold on ton the bar today. nfitz Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:50am 12:26 95# Rap Thu 06.02.2016 at 9:15am 7:21 rx. Just couldn’t hold off the blonde this morning. erica Thu 06.02.2016 at 9:22am 10:26 Rx Jim B Thu 06.02.2016 at 10:01am 8:48 Rx – all strait except for rd 4, 12th one fell out of my hands. Sarah and Dustin were flying, great job. Tony P Thu 06.02.2016 at 10:04am 11:12 – 155# 12 / 12 / 8 / 8 cleans per round Ted P. Thu 06.02.2016 at 10:26am 65#, can’t remember the time Russ Spencer Thu 06.02.2016 at 10:52am 10:54 RX TonyD Thu 06.02.2016 at 11:07am 12:11 RX+ 1 extra round of the 200m SG Thu 06.02.2016 at 12:34pm Wish I had known you did that extra round – I would’ve joined. The running part of this WOD was the easy part for me! TonyD Thu 06.02.2016 at 2:26pm not on purpose (?: Rap Thu 06.02.2016 at 12:43pm Vladimir the Destroyer! Dustin Thu 06.02.2016 at 11:10am 8:30 Rx Kept up with Sarah for 1st rd then she completely crushed me… way to go Chick Thu 06.02.2016 at 11:14am 12:17 ( 2 Rounds Rx, 2 Rounds @ #135). + 1 extra 200m adavass Thu 06.02.2016 at 11:30am 9:43 45# SG Thu 06.02.2016 at 12:32pm 12:09, 70# (5-4-3 per round) pancho Thu 06.02.2016 at 1:23pm 9:02 105# Nick M Thu 06.02.2016 at 1:34pm 9:28 105# SamB Thu 06.02.2016 at 1:47pm 6:24Rx Bill Thu 06.02.2016 at 2:12pm Smashed it. Mel Thu 06.02.2016 at 2:34pm wow! Amanda Thu 06.02.2016 at 1:54pm 10:39 95# -started off with 105# but dropped weight after 4 reps when it just wasn’t happening. Sets of 4 and a few sets of 2 towards the end. Mel Thu 06.02.2016 at 2:34pm 7:20rx Cakes Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:46pm 6:18rx Sara Brown Thu 06.02.2016 at 7:54pm 7:03 rx – fun one today! David S Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:18pm 8:32 Rx Megan B Thu 06.02.2016 at 8:24pm 9:48 rx. Straight sets on the cleans. lisar Thu 06.02.2016 at 9:38pm 10:40 70# slc Fri 06.03.2016 at 4:30pm 10:43 70# was heavy at the end, lost form. Maybe should have done 65# zdn Fri 06.03.2016 at 7:06pm In Orlando: 100m swim 50 push-ups 100m swim 50 sit-ups 100m swim 50 squats 100m swim As fast as possible Tara Mon 08.29.2016 at 10:58am 8:26 Rx Comments are closed.
13:39 70#
9:40,9 reps@ 85#
10:45 135# – perfect weight today! Runs felt great
Homework: Mike run 8:21 slower today but legs were heavy after WOD
11:14 RX
8:34 rx. (12-6/6-7/5-7/5)
8:02 Rx (8-4,5-4-3,5-4-3,8-4) great class, fun trying to chase Mel and Rap!
11:25 65#
12:13 Rx
Hang Power Cleans are a big goat of mine. Form stayed pretty good throughout the workout, but had to take it slow. Happy w/ the progress.
I hate running more than you hate hang power cleans. way to stick with it
14:22. 125#. Sets of 3. 2 fails
Nice job!
12:57 #85. Just couldn’t hold on ton the bar today.
12:26 95#
7:21 rx. Just couldn’t hold off the blonde this morning.
10:26 Rx
8:48 Rx – all strait except for rd 4, 12th one fell out of my hands. Sarah and Dustin were flying, great job.
11:12 – 155# 12 / 12 / 8 / 8 cleans per round
65#, can’t remember the time
10:54 RX
12:11 RX+ 1 extra round of the 200m
Wish I had known you did that extra round – I would’ve joined. The running part of this WOD was the easy part for me!
not on purpose (?:
Vladimir the Destroyer!
8:30 Rx
Kept up with Sarah for 1st rd then she completely crushed me… way to go
12:17 ( 2 Rounds Rx, 2 Rounds @ #135). + 1 extra 200m
9:43 45#
12:09, 70# (5-4-3 per round)
9:02 105#
9:28 105#
Smashed it.
10:39 95# -started off with 105# but dropped weight after 4 reps when it just wasn’t happening. Sets of 4 and a few sets of 2 towards the end.
7:03 rx – fun one today!
8:32 Rx
9:48 rx. Straight sets on the cleans.
10:40 70#
10:43 70# was heavy at the end, lost form. Maybe should have done 65#
In Orlando:
100m swim
50 push-ups
100m swim
50 sit-ups
100m swim
50 squats
100m swim
As fast as possible
8:26 Rx