WOD: Thu 03.02.2017 “Turbulence”

2017-03-31T16:28:05-04:00Tags: , |


  • BARBELL CLUB: Today at 6:30a and Sat at 10a. Sign up at front desk


Teams of 3 Complete:
10K Row

*Athletes must switch every 250 meters and do 10 Sit Ups

Post Time to Comments.


Burgener Progression
5 sets w/empty bar

3 at 50%
3 at 60%
3 at 70%
5×1 at 80%

T’s and Y’s
1×50 each

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  1. btartufo Thu 03.02.2017 at 7:12am

    Brian/Emily/Lisa – 43:36 – awesome job guys! Consistent pace throughout!

    Barbell: snatch 65/80/100/115

  2. Kathy C Thu 03.02.2017 at 7:36am

    Mike/Seanna/Kathy, 45:29 – Great team effort guys!! snatch 40#

  3. Bill Thu 03.02.2017 at 8:15am

    Bill/Hopper – 41:49 (did 10K in team of 2. No sit-ups)

  4. Dusty Thu 03.02.2017 at 8:23am

    Amanda, Mark, Dusty, 43: something
    Marks 1st day at Daybreak, what a way start!

  5. Pete Thu 03.02.2017 at 8:47am

    Pete/Brian/Tara. 40:37?
    Pete pace 1:36-1:45
    Barbell 45/55/65/75

  6. Cakes Thu 03.02.2017 at 9:53am

    Sara B/Jim D/Jen L/Cakes- 48:13

  7. pancho Thu 03.02.2017 at 9:57am

    John/Lisa/Pancho 40:05.1!!! Nice job, team!!!

  8. slombardo Thu 03.02.2017 at 2:07pm

    Thanks for the push Kathy & Mike! Fun team work out!

    Marina, Thank you for the compliment today, a real boost in the ol’ self esteem department 😉 Much Appreciated

  9. Jay Thu 03.02.2017 at 2:40pm

    28:01… Alison/Jay. 6K row… sit-ups were done after the row. .. quads were ON FIRE… Alison crushed her rows!!! Great job!

  10. Melissa Thu 03.02.2017 at 3:49pm

    Melissa, maria, Brett 45:05 good job ladies!!!!!

  11. Chris N Thu 03.02.2017 at 8:09pm

    Newt/Nicole/Lourdes – 39:41 – Great work Team!!!!

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