WOD: Tue 04.25.2017 “Make Me Move” Mel2017-04-25T08:29:58-04:00Tags: burpee, row| WOD“Make Me Move” EMOM 18: Odd: 200/150 Meter Row Even: 12 Burpees Post Score to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 30 Comments Brett Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:42am Rx (150, 12) Lisa Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:45am 125 m / 9 then 8 in out burpees Bill Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:48am Rx Woof. zdn Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:56am Rx Willis Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:57am Rx. Kathy C Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:13am 3rounds RX, then 10,10,10,9,9,8, 145,145,145,140,140,150c Rap Tue 04.25.2017 at 2:47pm Nice job sneaking in those first few rounds Kathy! #SpeedyTurtle Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:32am 8 rounds at 150/12 1 round 150/11. Accidentally wrote Rx on the board. Should have done that one burpee Dusty Tue 04.25.2017 at 8:11am Rx Ted Tue 04.25.2017 at 8:30am 200/9. Spicy ? Erica Tue 04.25.2017 at 9:00am Rx. I agree with Bill. Andrew Pants Tue 04.25.2017 at 9:48am rx Moon (SG) Tue 04.25.2017 at 10:34am Rx GROSS. Amanda W Tue 04.25.2017 at 10:44am 150/10 ouch but an awesome thing to finish. Happy Birthday Jack! Sarah M Tue 04.25.2017 at 10:50am “Freefall” with dumbbells and burpees added at the same reps as the sumo high pulls. 10:50 Colburn Tue 04.25.2017 at 11:24am 200M row and 8 burpees, though I had to do one round of 100M row to avoid passing out. Not my best day. Rap Tue 04.25.2017 at 2:48pm We all have those days. Just remember… you did get fitter. No matter what the score or time! mariamaramag Tue 04.25.2017 at 12:29pm Rx Tony P Tue 04.25.2017 at 2:17pm almost lost my lunch when I sat down to row on round 8 finished that row at about 1:05 and caught up on burpees. finished 9th round So not quite Rx estrehle Tue 04.25.2017 at 6:46pm Rx (at home) Nicole Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:13pm 1 round only 10 burpees the rest RX That was terrible! Newt Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:36pm Rx Michele Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:43pm RX lourdes Tue 04.25.2017 at 7:56pm 150/9/8 lisar Tue 04.25.2017 at 8:19pm 150m / 26# KB 21x 4 rounds then 15/ round. Rap Tue 04.25.2017 at 8:45pm Rx Megha Tue 04.25.2017 at 9:19pm 150 / 10-12 btartufo Tue 04.25.2017 at 11:33pm Rx Mel Wed 04.26.2017 at 9:53am rx Liz P. Wed 04.26.2017 at 8:19pm 150 and 4 rounds at 9 burpees – then a few at 8 second to last 7, then 9 for last! I looked so good the first 4 minutes – so fast and perky. By the end I was crawling up from the burpees. Comments are closed.
Rx (150, 12)
125 m / 9 then 8 in out burpees
3rounds RX, then 10,10,10,9,9,8, 145,145,145,140,140,150c
Nice job sneaking in those first few rounds Kathy!
8 rounds at 150/12
1 round 150/11.
Accidentally wrote Rx on the board. Should have done that one burpee
200/9. Spicy ?
Rx. I agree with Bill.
150/10 ouch but an awesome thing to finish. Happy Birthday Jack!
“Freefall” with dumbbells and burpees added at the same reps as the sumo high pulls. 10:50
200M row and 8 burpees, though I had to do one round of 100M row to avoid passing out. Not my best day.
We all have those days. Just remember… you did get fitter. No matter what the score or time!
almost lost my lunch when I sat down to row on round 8
finished that row at about 1:05 and caught up on burpees.
finished 9th round
So not quite Rx
Rx (at home)
1 round only 10 burpees the rest RX
That was terrible!
150m / 26# KB 21x 4 rounds then 15/ round.
150 / 10-12
150 and 4 rounds at 9 burpees – then a few at 8 second to last 7, then 9 for last! I looked so good the first 4 minutes – so fast and perky. By the end I was crawling up from the burpees.