“Scar Tissue”
Hang Power Snatch (115/80)
Overhead Squat
WOD Guidance & Goal: When choosing your weight, the overhead squat will most likely be your limiting factor. Choose a weight where you can hit 5 consecutive overheads with good form and range of motion. Break the first two rounds of snatches and overhead squats into two or three sets (10-5 or 6-5-4 and 8-4 or 5-4-3) then try to go unbroken for the remaining sets. To get the most out of this workout you should be finishing sub 10 to 14 minutes.
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20 rounds
sled push empty
5 burpees
:30 rest
9:54 Rx
8:26 – 35#
8:37, 60#
11:18 60#
9:37 Rx
9:32. 75#
9:05 50#
10:12 65#
First time doing this WOD Rx. Finally.
11:36 Rx
8:52 rx PR from 11:22 last time
8:08 45#. OHSs sure are challenging.
8:21 75#
9:32 or 9:39?? #55
Loving the G&G. wish I could have gone #65 but then sets would have been smaller. #55 was appropriate – #65 next time!
6:03Rx big PR from 8:38
for next time: did it DT style through the round of 6s. dropped after 14,11,8,5… then ohs unbroken.
the way to speed this up next time would be to try and do the last 12 or 18 movements unbroken instead of dropping after the 6 ohs, or 5 snatches
wow…way to go!
10:48 (or :38) Rx, overheads unbroken- I liked this one
5:20 65# HC/FS
7:13, 60#
OHS’s felt better than snatches, so was able to go unbroken on those. 65# next time. Loving the G&G’s!
Great work 9:30!
10:46 Rx.
Not my best run at this. Both hands are still ripped from Saturday. But #noexcuses, this is a fun af wod.
9:07. 80#, OHS need to get lower
so. FAST!
8:21 55#
8:11 Rx
10:11- 65#
11:08 65#
8:57 #55
6:11 35# KBS & Goblet Squats – no snatches for these shoulders… 🙁
5:23 55#