We will be celebrating the end of the 2018 CrossFit Open season by rallying all members (registered for the Open or not) to participate in the final 18.5 WOD on Friday night. There will not be a regular 5:30 class, but instead we will be sending off heats starting at 4:30p.
Since we are not conducing a regular class, you must sign up for a heat at front desk by THIS THURSDAY 3/22. Heats will begin at 4:30pm and will go off approximately every twenty minutes (ending by 6:30p). You do not have to be entered in The Open to participate… and if you happen to WOD earlier in the day, feel free to come back to the gym to cheer on your fellow athletes. Bring your favorite beverage, snack or other goodie to celebrate the end of The Open with your Daybreak family!
Please note, since we won’t know the workout until the night before, we may have to adjust heats and times slightly.
“Like a Riddle”
Hang Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (50/35)
Weighted Pull Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal: xxx
Post Time to Comments.
100m easy, 200m moderate (rest :30), 200m hard (rest :60)
8x25m all out w/ :60 rest
100m easy, 150m moderate (rest :30), 150m hard (rest :60)
6x25m all out w/ :60 rest
100m easy, 100m moderate (rest :30), 100m hard (rest :60)
4x25m all out w/ :60 rest
100m easy, 50m moderate (rest :30), 50m hard (rest :60)
2x25m all out w/ :60 rest
clean pull + power clean + squat clean
build to heavy
17:50 20#
Strict pull-ups
13:49. 35#/15#. Sets of 3 for PUs
14:39, 25#, tried strict PU but there was a lot of flailing
17:21 #25, strict (set of 3 added #8- should have tried weighted for more of the sets)
13:56 50#/15#
18:02 35#/ SPU no weight
17:26 50#/26#
13:06 30#/RBPUs
11:06 35# L arm db c+j / double rep GHDs
15:37 50#/25#
17 -something 25# 15/12, 35# 9/6/3, 10#
12:58 or 13:58 35#DB 2 bands
12:32. 35#/ purple band
15:20 25#, purple band and last 3 I used the black band instead
12:52, 35# left arm db c&j / GHD’s / bike cals
16:17 35#/8#
14:24- 25#/ red band
Barbell- 105# heaviest
Skiing out west this week so going to follow along with the WODs the best I can in hotel gym.
9:05 20#/strict PUs with a sideways grip- were more like chin ups. Regular reps for DB and 5-4-3-2-1 for PU
18.4 redo 7:04 :13 sec faster on tie break
Wod: 10:35 20# DB/GrBand
Barbell Club: 115# Power Clean Complex