- No Barbell Club Monday or Thursday
- Tuesday July 3rd, Regular schedule 5:30a, 6:30a, 8:30a, 9:30a, 12:30p, Open Gym and 5:30p. NO 6:30pm class
- Wednesday July 4th: NO Classes
“Start Again”
EMOM 8: Alternating Rounds
18/15 Calorie Row
12 Toes to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes
EMOM 8: Alternating Rounds
15/12 Calorie Bike
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Push. This workout will be a burner. It’s only 8 minutes with a HUGE rest between EMOMs. Scale reps as needed to finish within the minute.
Post Score to Comments.
Courtesy of CFPC
6 rounds
Sled push down and back (90/45)
Run cars
Rest 1 min
Row 15-13-12-12 / all 12 T2B
Bike Rx
Row: 18/12 knee ups
Bike: 15/12 Rx
Row 10c per round/ 15 KUs
Bike 12/ 8 (seat malfunction) 10/10, 12 stepups
Row 10c per round, 12 LL per round
Bike 32c total,15 Stepups per round
Row 10-12/TTB 6-7 (singles)
Bike 8-12/jumps 12
Started on bike
Bike: 11 round 1, 12 cals 2-4/ 12 jumps
Row: 15 cals/ 12 knees-up
Row 18c/12-12-12-8 (ran out of gas)
Bike 12c/12
Mini bbc with Jodi
Snatch 5-4-3-2-1 ascending 65# to 105#
Rx. Sweaty.
Row: 13 cal, 12 KUs/TtBAs
Bike: 12 cal, 20” BJs
. . . it’s a nice day to . . . Billy Idol
Bike: Rx
Row: ttb 12/12/10/11
Row 18,18,15,15 t2b 4×12
Bike 15,13,12,12. Bjs 4×12
El Guapo
Started on Bike: 12 c/12 StpUps Row: 12 c/12 Kneeclose2Elbow
Bike/box Rx
Row 18/16/16/14
K2E 15/12/12/15 leg lifts
18c + 8ttb; rx
Row:15 cals & leg raises