12 Rounds
9 Wall Balls (20/14)
1 Clean + Jerk
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Complete wall balls unbroken for all 12 rounds. Coaches will help you build up to 75-80% of your 1 rep max for the clean and jerk. Target 10 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
11:17 105#/14#wallball
14:23. 16#/105# snatch
14:40, 10# (12# 4/5 reps r 9-12), 65#
12:31, 6#, 75#
195#/ 8:58
12:08 (205# squat clean. No jerk)
13:06 125#
8:37 120#, PC no jerk / 14#
9:03 155#
11:19 10#/120#
12:14 135#
13:16 using 12# med ball and 95# for clean and jerk
12:59 140# squat clean/split jerk then BBC @ Wayland
12.36. #115
13:58 @165#
15:36 95#, 14#WB
10# WB ; 85#
9:39 100#
10:04 175#
12:52 @155#
failed final jerk a couple times and quit
no shoulder mobility today, basically push pressing.
7K row
9 cal bike
5 strict press (95#)
11:04 @ 195#
14:55 @ 130#
11:09 115#
11:40- 105#
10:16 10# / 65#
11:53 155#
12:06 105#/10#
10:07 135#
13:36 155# (started at 165# but was not moving it well)