• WAYLAND CUBBIE CLEAN OUT: Daybreakers! By THIS Monday, Feb 10th, please clear out your cubbies in the men’s and women’s locker rooms. They’re getting a deep clean Monday night! Take home towels, knee sleeves, and wrist wraps and wash them! Hangers will be thrown out. Any clothing items left behind will be donated. Cubbie items can be returned Tuesday morning. Thank you!


Clean and Jerk
1 Rep Heavy

“Liquid Cocaine”
5 Rounds
5 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

WOD Guidance & Goal:
For the strength piece of today’s workout, coaches will help you work up to a heavy single clean and jerk. For the metcon, Choose a weight you can do 5 consecutive reps or 5 fast singles, around 65% of your heavy single from the strength piece of today’s workout. This workout is ALL out for 5 rounds. Total BURNER! .Target 10 minutes or less. 

Post Weight and Time to Comments. Compare scores HERE.

Courtesy of CFNE


3 rounds
400m easy, 400m moderate, 400m easy, 400m fast, rest 3 min.


Today’s strength and workout