• JUNETEENTH: We mean what we say and we say what we mean. We stand for INCLUSION. We stand for EQUALITY. And we stand in SOLIDARITY with the BLACK community. In honor of Juneteenth, the holiday to commemorate the official end of slavery, Daybreak will donate $10 for every workout score posted to WOD comments today. Donations will be made to the ACLU on our members’ behalf.
  • THU WOD Recording: Here


30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
30 Front Squats
30 Hang Squat Cleans
30 Power Snatch
30 Overhead Squats
*on the minute do 5 Burpees
courtesy of CompTrain

Post Time to Comments.


WOD Guidance & Goals:
At 3,2,1 Go, do 5 burpees then start the sumo deadlift high pulls. Try to get 10-15 reps before the next minute. At every minute do 5 burpees. Target 15 minutes. If you have a db do 30 reps total not per side.  


5 x 1 mile repeats, slightly faster than 5k pace. Rest 4 minutes between.