SAT WOD Recording: Here
3 Rounds:
30 Medball Cleans
30 Box Jumps
30 Calorie Bike
30 Hollow Rocks
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
With your medball or dumbbell, do 30 medball cleans unbroken or 20/10. Find a steady rhythm for the box jumps (recover) before then attacking the bike. Spend no more than 3 minutes on the bike to complete the 30 calories. Then chip away at the hollow rocks. Target 22 minutes.
a bit modified with 25# db, 0.5M run and step ups
did this on the beach, nice way to start the day
20s across 3 rounds
KA job RNG!!
19:25 (20# ball, 24” step ups, 400m run for bike)
Katie: 20:30 (10#, 21” steps, 400m run)
Mods, 20 10#, 20 stepups, 20c row, 20 KB swings 10# 15:41
Kevin-MB cleans 20#, stepups, sit-ups, 20 reps-14:53