TUE WOD Recording: Here
“You Broke First”
1200 Meter Run
5 Rounds
6 Strict Pull Ups
6 Strict Ring Dips
6 Strict Handstand Push Ups
1200 Meter Run
1200 Meter Run
5 Rounds
6 Banded Strict Pull Ups
6 Banded Strict Ring Dips
6 Abmat Strict Handstand Push Ups
1200 Meter Run
800 Meter Run
5 Rounds
12 Ring Rows
12 Bench Dips
12 Dumbbell Press
800 Meter Run
The first run should be at your 5k pace (moderate), like a warm up for the 5 rounds of bodyweight movements. The bodyweight movements should be challenging and without any sort of kip (strength building). Complete the 5 rounds in 7 minutes. The final run is all out! Target 18 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
1200 Meter Run
5 Rounds
6 Push Ups
6 Bench Dips
6 Inverted Push Ups
1200 Meter Run
4 x
400m moderate, rest :30
300m faster, rest :15
200m fastest, rest 2 min
21 something, black, band, 2 ab mats
23:39 gr band/1 abmat/row
21:52 5# plate
23:25 1 abmat
20:37 MCx
22:10 bench dips w feet elevated, 1 yoga block for HSPU
4 reps of each movement
-Black band + purple band for pull ups
-Red band for dips
-2 ab mats for HSPU (started with a 2 mats + 10# plate 1st round, then went to 2 mats + 5# plate 2nd round and then had just 2 ab mats for last 3 – but my head def didn’t touch every time).
Like I said before – rebuilding is really hard (and it just sucks).
2 mile bike on each end
Strict PU
muscle up into dips
Deficit strict HSPU with 45s
Haven’t done a ring MU in 2 months, holy moly that didn’t feel good
23:09 20# dB press. Black band for dips
22:08, banded pu, bar dips, box hspu
24:03 MCmods
22:07 – 2.5 miles with a looooong hill before wod
21:50, banded PU, banded Ring Dips, 2 AB, row
800m, banded pull ups, banded trx dips, modified hspu 29:03
23:45 2 mile bike/3 strict total + green band for the rest/purple band dips/2AbMats
23:36 – PUs w some kip/3 RRs per rd/2 abmats
25# seated db press
20 mins
5 min bike at beg & end
oh press
bo row
skull crushers
2/20# db
3 strict PU
6 red band dips
6 HSPU 1 mat + 5# plate
600m row (legs were shot)
Strict PU/Dips
Box hspu
black banded dips
2 ab mats
23:34 (800m, blue band SPU, red band ring dip, 20# DB press)
22:23 mcx
second run a slog.
23::30 — banded pullups (thicker purple band); 1 abmat+5# plate; 6 unbanded ring dips in rd 1 & 2 then dropped to 3 per round