WED WOD Recording: Here
“Drop Dead Legs”
With a Partner
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
Weights: 135/95
With a Partner
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
Weights: 115/75
With a Partner
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
100 Front Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Power Cleans
Weights: 95/65
With a partner (not sharing barbells), complete all the front squats before moving to the shoulder to overhead, and all of the overheads before moving to the power cleans. You and your partner decide how to divide reps. One person works at a time. Target 15 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
100 Squats
100 Push Ups
100 Glute Bridge
Berkmans 19:45 65:/85
Brett 65
Eric 65 squats, 95
Newt & Bill – 17:17 MCx
Big assist from Newt on the jerks and cleans. I died.
Teamwork 👍🏋️ Great Job
19:25 MAx, with Mary
14:40 – Willis (115#) / Erin (75#)
50 of each, how appropriate!
Amanda/Stuart 19:49 MAx
Nice work Stu!
With Tony P
20:14 MCx and 115/95/115
Rap & Jason – 16:43 Mcx
Bueno’s Super burrito caused my demise. 😉 JK… it’s my fav.
This WOD looked so easy… it. was. not.
Laura/Seattle 15:55 75#/ 55#fs 75#
W/Sandee – 15:42
Moon, MAx
Sandee, 45#
Rich and Liam- Liam carried me- #95 16:21
Home WOD: 14:16
100 Squats
80 Push-UPS
100 Glute Bridges
Solo – 2×20# dbs for all
50 front squats
50 shoulder to OH
50 power cleans
Ash 75#
Beth scaled reps, 25#
Erica 65# fs/75# rest
Erin 75#
16:29 w/Tara
20&30# db’s/ 75#
Nice teamwork!
Joe & Neel 16:02 @ 95#
The Prices. For me, light and work on form. 55#
19:08 w/ Melissy MAx