4 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Pull Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats
15/12 Calorie Bike
Weight: 135/95
4 Rounds
10 Attempts
8 Pull Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats
12/9 Calorie Bike
Weight: 115/75
4 Rounds
50 Single Unders
15 Ring Rows
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats
9/6 Calorie Bike
Weight: 95/65
For the first couplet, try to do the double unders unbroken every round (:30) and do the pull ups unbroken, 10/5 or 6/5/4 reps. Target 5 minutes. For the second couplet, choose a weight for the front squats that you can do unbroken for 15 reps, and right around rep 10 you want to put the bar down. Then bike your heart out, completing the calories in about :60-:90. Target sub 10 minutes. For both workouts there will be a 10 minute cap.
Post Times to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.
4 Rounds
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
15 Squats
200 Meter Run
8 rounds
100m sprint, 200m jog, 100m sprint, rest 2 min
7:08 MCx
6:42 MCx
Dubs almost all unbroken. Pull-ups in sets of 2-5 which slowed things a bit π
PR day π
CONGRATS!! Super fast!
6:48 MCx
9:30 (I think) 75# 12c
2019 8:02 15 Dubs, 8;52 RX
4:55 – 10 attempts/ 50 SU, pur/blk band PUs
7:00 – 50# ( r 1 + 2 unbroken r 3 10/5) 6 c
6:24 8 RBPUs/10 SUSUDUs broken
9:09 75# FS/15 cal
1.07.2019 slow 10 SU-SU-DU/DUAs/round, 15 RBPUs x 2, 15 BBPUs x 2 some no-reps
slow 75# FS
First wod: 3:47. Su and 8 strict
Second wod: ~8:30. 105# 15 cal
5:03 / 8:43 MCx
That second WOD can get fired into the sun.
5:20 / 10:20
8 strict pu
30-40 air squats
4:47 – 30 dubs / 8 str pull ups black b
(Not all chin over bar)
6:ish ? Unbroken frsq
3:10/8:49 MCx
3:10 π³ are you human?!
5:36 MCx
7:43 MCx
Previous 5:19/7:43.
Grip today was smoked and killed my pull-ups!
5:02 60 Singles/15 Strict
9:28 MCx
6:46 mcx
6:32 (?) 95#
5:06 with ring rows (still can’t pull), dubs mostly unbroken. 1 minute faster than last time (same movements_
8:20-ish at 75# and 10 cal. 2 minutes faster than last time, lighter weight and I don’t remember if I scaled cal.
lighter weight today.
5:55 & 7:05
18-flat total; about :12sec PR π
HBD Sammy!!!!
7:15 MCX
In 2019 :
9:10 RX/ 8:21 at 85#
5:29 (6 strict)/ 7:05 mcx
1:05 pr for 2nd part
6:05 MCx