“Get to it”

With a Partner
150 Calorie Bike
100 Power Cleans
50 Muscle Ups

Weight: 135/95

With a Partner
125 Calorie Bike
100 Power Cleans
50 Chest to Bars

Weight: 115/75

With a Partner
100 Calorie Bike
75 Power Cleans
50 Strict Pull Ups

Weight: 75/55

Grab a friend and let’s go! Switching every minute or :45, accumulate as many calories as possible when it’s your turn, until you and your partner complete 150 calories. Bike calories should take 10-15 minutes, so scale amount to be within this range. For the power cleans, switch every 3-5 reps with your partner until you accumulate 100 reps. The cleans will take around five minutes to complete. Then chip away at the ring or bar muscle ups in singles or twos/threes. Target 20-25 minutes for the entire workout.

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