With a Partner
3 Rounds
20 DB Hang Clean
20 DB Squat
20 DB Push Press
Rest 1 Minute
2K Row
Rest 1 Minute
60 DB Hang Clean
60 DB Squat
60 DB Push Press
Weight: 50/35
With a Partner
3 Rounds
20 DB Hang Clean
20 DB Squat
20 DB Push Press
Rest 1 Minute
1600 Meter Row
Rest 1 Minute
60 DB Hang Clean
60 DB Squat
60 DB Push Press
Weight: 35/20
With a Partner
3 Rounds
20 DB Hang Clean
20 DB Squat
20 DB Push Press
Rest 1 Minute
1200 Meter Row
Rest 1 Minute
60 DB Hang Clean
60 DB Squat
60 DB Push Press
Weight: 25/15
Partner WOD! Grab your buddy and complete the first triplet, dividing reps however you’d like. We suggest sets of 10 reps at a time. Once the triplet is complete, you and your partner take a 1 minute rest and then attack a 2k row. You can switch every 250m with quick transitions, or do 500m each. After the row, take another 1 minute rest. Then attack the chipper, again dividing reps however you’d like, however you must finish all of the hang clean before moving to squats and all of the squats before moving to the push press. Try for sets of 10 again. Record your overall time including the rest. Target 25 minutes.
Post Total Time to Comments.
22:33 w/Jonathan 900 meters/#20
Brett and Holly 20# 24 something?
With Dusty – started with 50# then he dropped to 35#
I did 50# and did less reps on the last section
1:45 split on the row
22:18 with Lourdes but we skipped the first minute rest. 30# DBs then 25#s for the final squats and presses. Big cardio.
No not MAx 30#/25#
Pancho MCx
Jason W 35# (and MCx positive attitude)
BAM and Janice 22:01 MAx (w/ some moves using #15) Janice was so fast on the push press!