- N0 Teens Thu 8/25: There will be no teens class this Thursday 8/25 at 4:15p.
“Pink Venom”
6-9-12-15-18-21 Box Jump Overs
3-6-9-12-15-18 Handstand Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
*then do it in reverse order
Height: 20″
6-9-12-15-18-21 Box Step Overs
3-6-9-12-15-18 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
*then do it in reverse order
Height: 24″
6-9-12-15-18-21 Box Step Overs
3-6-9-12-15-18 Bench Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
*then do it in reverse order
Height: 20″
Which direction will be faster?! You’ll start with the ascending ladder of box jump overs and handstand push ups and get your time. Take a five minute rest. THEN, you’ll do the same two movements but in the descending order. For the handstand push ups you should be able to cycle through at least 6 kipping, if not use abmats or do bench handstand push ups . Target sub 8 minutes for both workouts (10 minute cap.) Record your times.
Post Both Times to Comments.
6-9-12-15-18-21 Box Jump Overs
3-6-9-12-15-18 Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
*then do it in reverse order
9:54/9:50 2 ab mats 3 5 7 9 11 13
9;40 / 121 @ 10 min cap MCx
Round 1: Short 9 reps at time cap
Round 2: 8:45, skipped the first couplet
(inverted push ups on box)
10:51 MCx
8:53 20# DB press
8:20 / 9:32 mcx
Round 1: 90 reps
Round 2: 73 or 77 reps (Can’t remember. Math is hard)
mcx jumps; 2-4-6-8-10-12 hspu (kipping to floor)
9:42/8:52- 1 ab mat strict
must have miscounted on the descending side
141 / 107 MCx
10:00- 25# 20” stepups/inverted PU – 17 left to do at cao
7:46- eliminated first round and did PU from box
Good sweaty mess this AM.
7:?/8:02 wt step ups, db press 25#