Summer Spirit Friday 8/25
TOMORROW will be our final Spirit Friday for the summer =( Wear anything and everything tie dye!


“Stay or Leave”

400 Meter RUn
25 Wall Balls
10 Bar Muscle Ups
25 Wall Balls
400 Meter Run
Weight: 20/14
400 Meter Run
25 Wall Balls
10 Chest to Bars
25 Wall Balls
400 Meter Run
Weight: 14/10
300 Meter Run
15 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls
300 Meter Run
Weight: 10/6

Today’s workout is FAST! Run the 400 meters in around 2:00, then immediately pick up your medicine ball and try to do the wall balls either unbroken, or in two sets (15/10). If you’re proficient at bar muscle ups, shoot for 6/4. If you’re working on them, try sets of 2 or fast singles. Then, back to wall balls, maybe this time two to three sets with fast breaks, and then a FAST 400 meters. Target 10 minutes.

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