“Pink Cadillac”

10 Rounds
With a Partner
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
1 Round of “DT”

Weight: 155/105

10 Rounds
With a Partner
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
1 Round of “DT”

Weight: 115/75

10 Rounds
With a Partner
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
(ring row, knee push up)
1 Round of “DT”

Weight: 75/55

Two of our favorite workouts in one, AND you get to do it with a buddy! Partner 1 will complete two rounds of “Cindy” (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) AND 1 rounds of “DT” (12 deadlifts, 9 hang cleans and 6 jerks) while partner 2 rests. Once partner 1 is done with a round, then partner 2 will go. Each athlete will do 5 rounds. Target 20-25 minutes.

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