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Romanian Deadlifts
8 x (2 x 1/2 rep + full ROM)
4 x 6/6 DB Step Ups, 20″
6/6 Seated Press
:90 weighted plank
Rest 2:00

The Romanian deadlift targets the glutes and hamstrings, and takes your quads out of the movement. The weight will start in the standing position, unlocking your knees send your hips to the wall behind you without further bending your knees. This will put a tremendous demand on your midline and posterior. Stop the bar just below your knees (1/2 rep), and stand back up by squeezing your butt toward the bar. Then take the next rep to your hamstrings full range of motion (no bouncing the weights off the ground). Repeat the half and full rep before placing the bar down. Coaches will help you build to a 7/10 effort for the first working set and you’ll ideally build in weight for eight sets.

Then, with the heaviest dumbbells possible, do six db step ups on one side then the other, all while holding two dumbbells in the rack position. Use another set of dumbbells for six and six seated press. While one arm moves, have the other do a static hold in the rack position with palm facing out, and the db NOT resting on the body in any way. And complete the superset with a :90 weighted plank (use a plate on your back.) Record your weights.

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