“Yes, and?”

2k Row, 2 Mile Bike
Rest 4 Minutes
1k Row, 1 Mile Bike
Rest 2 Minutes
500 Meter Row, 0.5 Mile Bike

1600 Meter Row, 1.5 Mile Bike
Rest 4 Minutes
800 Meter Row, 3/4 Mile Bike
Rest 2 Minutes
400 Meter Row, 1/2 Mile Bike

1200 Meter Row, 1.25 Mile Bike
Rest 4 Minutes
600 Meter Row, 1/2 Mile Bike
Rest 2 Minutes
300 Meter Row, 1/2 Mile Bike

This may look like a long, sweatfest, but it’s really interval training!! Complete the 2k row (8 minutes or less) and the 2 mile bike (6 minutes) in about 14-16 minutes max! The four minute rest will bring you to a full recovery. Row the 1k at a slightly faster split than the 2k (4 minutes or less) and bike slightly faster for the 1 mile bike (3-4 minutes.) Target 8 minutes max for the second interval. Then, row the 500 meters at 8-8.5/10 effort (2 minutes or less) and bike the half mile ALL OUT, for a total time of 3.5-4 minutes. Record your intervals.

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