- MARATHON MONDAY: TODAY Monday April 15th, we have an abbreviated schedule
- 6:30a, 8:30a + 5:30p Classes ONLY!
- APRIL BREAK: Monday 4/15 – Friday 4/19
- No Teens Classes (mon and wed)
- No Noon Classes (tue and thu)
“Boston Strong”
4 Deadlifts
150 Meter Run
20 Double Unders
13 Handstand Push Ups
Weight: 315/225
4 Deadlifts
150 Meter Run
6 Attempts
13 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
Weight: 275/185
4 Deadlifts
150 Meter Run
30 Single Unders
13 Push Ups
Weight: 185/135
Choose a weight for the deadlifts that is HEAVY, but you can lift for the first round unbroken. Shake out your legs on the run so they’re ready to jump for the double unders. The handstand push ups break in half, or do unbroken. Your arms will have plenty of rest before the next set of handstands so push your pace. Target 5 rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.
20:00 5.75 rounds. DLs 165#, 6 SUSUDUDUs/attempts, bench HSPUs.
4.17.2023 20:15 5.5 rounds. DLs 165#, 6 SUSUDUDUs/attempts, bench HSPUs.
4.19.2021 6 rounds + 4 DLs 165# or maybe 155#, 6 SUSUDUs, 24” box HSPUs.
4.17.2017 20 mins + overtime. 6 rounds 165# DLs, DUAs, 30#x2 DBPPs
Not like this at all- bc. Hotel gym.
But. AMRAP20
10 db dl 35#
10 trx rows
1:30 on a sketchy water rower
13 pushups
5 rounds
5+192 (225# / 30 Single Unders)
7 – 185#/Attempts/Strict Push Ups