• Thu 8/15 – No Teens and No Noon Class
    • Fri 8/16 – No 9:30a


“Places to Be”

With a Partner
25 Strict Pull Ups
50 Meter DB Lunge
75 Sit Ups
100 Calorie Bike
75 Sit Ups
50 Meter DB Lunge
25 Strict Pull Ups

Weight: 50/35

With a Partner
25 Banded Pull Ups
50 Meter DB Lunge
75 Sit Ups
75 Calorie Bike
75 Sit Ups
50 Meter DB Lunge
25 Banded Pull Ups

Weight: 35/20

With a Partner
25 Ring Row
50 Meter DB Lunge
75 Sit Ups
50 Calorie Bike
75 Sit Ups
50 Meter DB Lunge
25 Ring Row

Weight: 25/15

Buddy Up! For the ladder, you and your partner will share the pull ups reps (we suggest sets of 5), then each person will do 50 meters of lunges with ONE db held on either shoulder (not by your side). For a twist, the sit ups will be SYNCHRONIZED! Yes, keep the same pace as your buddy for all 75 sit ups (plan breaks ahead of time.) And last but not least, share the bike calories! Target 25 minutes

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