• Yoga at Hometown Sweat: TODAYYYYY Friday 9/13, Hometown Sweat is hosting a Hot Yoga (Vinyasa) class for Daybreak members! The class is at 10:45am, please rsvp on the whiteboard at Daybreak by Thu 9/12. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water bottle. We hope you can make it!


“Such a Hassle…kinda”

4 Rounds
60 Double Unders
30 DB Snatches
6 Wall Walks

Weight: 50/35

4 Rounds
20 Attempts
30 DB Snatches
4 Wall Walks

Weight: 35/20

4 Rounds
80 Single Unders
20 DB Snatches
40 Taps

Weight: 25/15

Take :60-:75 for the double unders (singles or attempts). Use a db weight that you can snatch for 20 reps before taking a break. Snatches will take :90-2:00. Then complete each round with six wall walks (:60-:90). Target 15-17 minutes.

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