10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Power Cleans (185/135)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans (185/135)
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
Run or Row
3 rounds:
4 x 200m w/:60 between each set
*Rest 4 minutes between each round
55#OHS, thrusters
65# power cleans
TTB singles (a few were a bit shy of bar)
10 burpees, 10 pu red band
17:52 Rx
12:26. 95# front squats and cleans/step ups/burpees and ring rows/14# wbs/ghds
14:40 55# OHS, thrusters; 65# power cleans. KU, 10 burpees, 10 pu green.
14:36 rx
17:59 rx weights, pull ups for muscle ups
12:54 rx
18:58 [115#, 165#]
17:58 [115#, 165#] wrote it down wrong. twice.
13:56, 30# OHS, 55#, knees up, red band PUs
12:25, but don’t be too impressed. My body was very cranky so I used this as active recovery. OHS and thrusters @ 55#, hang power cleans @ 85#, burpee pull-ups.
17:08. 95# for OHS (unbroken) and thrusters (6/4), 125# for cleans (relatively fast singles), step-overs, and bar muscle up attempts (100% failure)
Nice weights!
18:59 – PC 115#, burpee MU – got 5/10. I felt awful today, SSSLLLOOOWWWWWW.
pretty sure you were 17:59
17:03. snatches for overhead squats, 70# Kbs for BJ, and push presses for thrusters.rest Rx
15:55 Rx
Good work 12:30.
16/00 — 65# OHS and thrusters / 105# PC: burpee PUs
12:38 or 13:38? 65#ohs/thruster, 105#pc, burpee pull ups.
14:46 125#/175# burpee pull-ups
14:13 75# OHS and thrusters, 115# cleans, burpee pull-ups.
10×3 back squats 160#.
14:31 60/90/110 burpee PU
75# overhead squat cash out 10 unbroken
14:?? 35# OHS, 35# thrusters, 55# power cleans, knees up, burpee pull-ups (green band)
Felt like I could have gone heavier on the weights.
15:33 Rx
11:23 – 65# for OHS and Thrusters, 115# PC and burpees pull-ups
13:02. Started with 30# OHS and thruster but second round increased to 35
Power cleans – 60#. Could have done more weight.
10 push ups and 10 Double red band strict PU
KTB- attempts– improving but long way off.
55#OHS, thrusters/75# power cleans/Burpee pull-ups/knees up. Should have gone heavier
16:31 only scaled burpee pullups, all Rx weights – OHS & thrusters unbroken
10:32 75# OHS & thrusters, burpee pull ups, 105# cleans…. probably should have gone heavier