- Columbus Day Schedule:
- Mon 10/9: 7a, 9a and 5:30p classes ONLY
- Internal Halloween Team Competition and Social Announced! Details in our newsletter, but the save the date: SATURDAY, OCT 28 from 8:00-11:00am, and catered social for all participants to follow. No cost to members to enter and eat! Sign up at front desk.
“Team Series Event 2”
120 Double Unders
60 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
120 Double Unders
Post Time to Comments.
17:30 – dubs/30 KPU/75#/dubs
20:00 – 150 SU / 45 green and red band pull ups / 60 25#
18:19 Rx
20:36 RX
21:11 (I think…) 30 DUA (round 1), 150 SU (round 2), 30 CTB (singles), 45# (sets of 10)
21:58. 40ctb 75#.
Tabata hs holds. Made first 4 then 10s each
20:22, 150 SUs, blband KPUs, 35#
14:22 175 SU, 30 kpu, 55#
15:40 rx. Many sets of 5.
24:03 60 kpu/55#
Dubs were not my friend today
16:26 150 SUs x 2
19:41 did 12cal AD 1st rd, 18 cal ad second
ctb – 2 sets 10, then 4-5s, last 10 1-2
hs – 10/10/10/then 6
Time? SUs, 30 BBPUs, 55# HPSs
17:15. 120 SUs x 2 not 150 oops.
16:33 RX
20:58 150 singles x 2 / 30 ctb / 65#
15:14 115# hpc, rr
20:53 (I think??)
150 singles/30 c2b (mostly sets of 2) / 60 HPS #45 / 120 dus
19:23, 120 dubs / 30 CTB / 60 55# snatches / 60 dubs
17:45 Rx
Great work 9:30!
19:50, 25 cal ADx2, kpu, 55#
17:50 / du attempts / red/blue band / #45
18:41 – 150 SU/ blue band kipping pull ups/ 60 @55# hang cleans/ 150 SU.
30 su/du/su/du, 25 CTB before my man hands ripped,50#, and 30 su/du/su/du
18:40 Rx
13:50. 150 SU/ 30 SC2B with blue and purple bands/ 60 HPS @ 65#/ 150 SU.
23? 25 Ctb before both my hands ripped open / 60 snatches @ 35#
19:45 150 SU, 60 KPU, 45#
14:20 pu instead of ctb
16:21 Rx
24 even
95# and CTB-some were questionable…lol