End-of-Open Celebration: There will not be a regular 5:30 class, instead heats will begin at 4:30pm and will go off approximately every twenty minutes (ending by 6:30p) Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your heat time. You do not have to be entered in The Open to participate… and if you happen to WOD earlier in the day, feel free to come back to the gym to cheer on your fellow athletes. Bring your favorite beverage, snack or other goodie to celebrate the end of The Open with your Daybreak family!


“Open 18.5”
3 Thrusters
3 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 Thrusters
12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 Thrusters
15 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
18 Thrusters
18 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
*If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Men: 100#
Women: 65#

WOD Guidance & Goal: xStart out steady. Do not go out guns blazing. Break up reps on the thrusters and/or chest to bars so you can keep moving but not hit a wall. 

Post Score to Comments. Compare scores HERE.


3 Rounds
:60 easy
:60 moderate
:60 hard
:60 easy
:60 moderate
:60 hard
:60 easy
:60 moderate
:60 hard
REST 3 Minutes between rounds