Week of July 4th
- Tuesday July 3rd, Regular schedule 5:30a, 6:30a, 8:30a, 9:30a, 12:30p, Open Gym and 5:30p. NO 6:30pm class
- Wednesday July 4th: NO Classes
“Sunday Rain”
3 Rounds:
15 Hang Squat Cleans (185/135)
15 Handstand Push Ups
Hang Squat Clean
3 Rep Max
WOD Guidance & Goal: Break cleans into 2-3 sets (10-5 or 6-5-4). If proficient with kipping hspu, go unbroken or break into 2 sets. If new to hspu, break into sets of 3-5 without going to failure. Aim to complete around 10 minutes.
Post Time and Weight to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
11:14 or :41. 85# HPC. 10 HSPu 2 ab mats
3rm HPC 105#
13:04 90#/2 ab mats
Same weight as last time but sets of 4 instead of sets of 3 and 4+ minutes faster; still need to work on getting all the way down on ALL handstands
16:50 Rx. #thefight
16:26. 125#. Khspua (ie not to standard)
10 khspua per round
14:01 95#
12:05 / 95# / 2ab
11:15 / 65# /
100# x 3 very choppy