I want to thank the Daybreak Crossfit Community for the incredible outpouring of generosity to the Maynard Food Pantry! Because of both locations, 55 wonderful dinner baskets were put together for local families who are currently struggling financially. For many families, this is the first time they have needed our help. The demand has definitely doubled but the ongoing generosity has surpassed the need.
We’ll provide close to 100 dinner baskets on Monday (we even have some extras for people who didn’t have an opportunity to sign up). Please know that the families are all very appreciative of your generosity!
A very special thanks to Mel who organized the three “Lift up Our Local Community” events!
I’m so proud to be part of the Daybreak Crossfit Community
Thanks again!
Mary Brannelly
“Like an Animal”
12 Deadlift
8 Handstand Push Ups
4 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Deadlift
8 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
4 Chest to Bars
12 Deadlift
8 Dumbbell Press
4 Bent Over Row
Move through the deadlifts, handstand push ups and bar muscle ups as fast as possible, to have at least :30 of rest before the next round. The deadlifts should be unbroken at least the first round, and will take :15-:30. The handstand push ups (strict or kipping) may start unbroken then do sets of 4/4. The handstands will take anywhere between :20-:30. And the bar muscle ups (or upper body pulling movement), do as many as possible unbroken or fast singles. They will take :20-:40. Target :90-2:30 per round.
Post Intervals to Comments.
20 Squats
10 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
4 x
200m, rest :30
400m, rest :60
800m, rest 2:00
MAX 2 ab mats 1:02-1:12, maybe should have done heavier on deadlifts
MCx – 2 BMU
1:27 / 1:57 / 1:51 / 1:54 / 2:04 / 2:04 / 1:51
1:33 / 1:35 / 1:40 / 1:38 / 1:56 / 2:24 / 2:35 MCx
Estimated splits 1:45 – 2:05
185#, 4,6,6,4,4,4,6 HSPU (kipping from floor), 4 strict PUs
First time doing kipping HSPU in a WOD!
MCx with 4 MUAT per rd – made 2,2,3,3,3,3,2
185# dl. Handstand holds for five rounds — some were ugly but first ever. Strict ctb
Somewhere between 1:39-1:55
Red band spu (questionable)
2 ab mats
:53/:57/:55/1:03/1:07/1:04/1:11 mcx
135# / 4 handstand holds / 4 BBMU (1 red + 1 small black)
~2:00 for each round, went light on the DLs because legs have seemed extra fatigued recently
MAx w/ ~1.5 abmat height, black band spu
1:20, 1:20, 1:21, 1:30, 1:34, 1:25, 1:46
65# HC for deads
2 ab mats
CTB (attempts) – awful today
1:43 / 1:54 / 1:55 / 1:50 / 2:01 / 2:21 / 2:18
Est 1:15 – 2:00
155#/ 2 ab mats strict / strict C2B
DL:135# all rounds unbroken
HSPU: 1 ab mat
leg assisted ring muscle ups
Did sat wod emom 28, 3 flts stairs, 7 burpees, 3 flts stairs, 3 bears 55#. Last 2 rounds, 2 flts stairs, 6 burpees.
95# rnd 1, 105# 2-7/2 abmats/worked on stringing more than 3 pull ups rnd 1-4, C2B 5-7
135#/1 mat + 5# plate/ CTB
3 ab mats for HSPU
Purple-band kipping PU (should’ve tried practicing C2B!)
185#, 1 ab, strict ctb
Tweaked my shoulder so only 6 rds
1:04–1:03–1:07–1:10–1:09–1:09–1:10 mcx
1:13-1:29 (105#, 20# DB Press, KPU)
-2 abmats (7 after the first two rounds and head was not touching on the ones toward the end)
-red band SPU (first 2 without band on first two rounds
MAx w/1 abmat + 5# plate.
Fastest round — 1:30
Slowest round — 1:41 (last round)
115# DLs, 30# then 25# • 2 DB standing press, unassisted PUs